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Austin Outdoor focuses  relentlessly on creating premier properties and building lasting relationships; occasionally that passion is expressed in surprising ways.  ...
What happens when you combine a vibrant Safety Culture with the Holiday Season, then unleash Natural Talent? Tune in here ...
This world keeps spinning and its never gonna’ stop,New problems keep rising up and vying for the top; But they ...
That’s the amount of time it takes a child to reach (theoretical) adulthood and how long it takes for truly ...
How many miles can you drive in 24 hours straight? A three driver team managed to travel 2,581 miles in ...
Thinker, Explorer, Scientist, Botanist, Naturalist, Analyst, Writer, Architect, Engineer, Musician and Artist Extraordinaire….. Each of these words describe valuable human ...
Happy New Year — and welcome to a New Decade! The corresponding metaphor of ‘2020 Vision’ is simply irresistible… Building ...
Photo Credit: Wikipedia In October of 1805, British Admiral Horatio Nelson faced a daunting threat in an effort to defend ...
Last week I had the distinct pleasure of watching the U.S. Air Force’s twenty six newly-minted pilots receive their wings, ...
It’s only a number. Yet life is typically measured in years, so there is a tendency to count the years ...
I felt the amazement of a child again last week as I gazed at “Orbiter Vehicle 103” (aka and more ...
Six years have now passed, hour by hour, 52,560 hours to date. There are very few of them that have ...
The Holiday Season is joyous and takes many beautiful forms, flowing from varied beliefs and time-honored traditions. Yet a genuine ...
Recently I've shared my thoughts about building relationships, the kind where a long history of consistent, reliable performance results in ...
You can continue to do the same things, the same way, indefinitely. Or you can take it to a higher ...
In the time-honored tradition of raising a toast, I offer the following cheerful wishes. May you: Celebrate holidays that are ...
Once in a great while we experience a surprise event in our lives, one worthy of a Tip of the ...
Accompany me on this metaphorical journey “above the clouds”! Amazingly, it’s only for roughly the past 100 years of human ...
Can you cruise at the Speed of Business? How fast can you go? If it feels like the pace of ...
How did 2018 work out for you? Did everything go according to plan? If your answer is “Yes”, please share ...
It’s remarkable to behold when a team achieves critical mass and their positive results accumulate and accelerate. It’s the effective ...
There is no such thing as a New Normal.  If a situation is “normal”, by definition it must be familiar and expected.  If ...
A creative and caring friend shared a concept of what it takes to truly “Maximize the Moment”. To do so ...
"You don't understand Airport Operations!" exclaimed the gate agent to the frustrated passengers. "You don't understand Customer Service" a thoughtful ...
Alignment is important for the efficient operation of an automobile suspension. It’s equally important for the successful operation of a ...
When a striking event occurs seemingly all of a sudden, our first reaction may be to think that it was ...
Luciano Mancilla, Jr. and his crew members, Israel Mendoza and Luis Garcia, demonstrate that they "get it" as evidenced by ...
Close your eyes and think about that feeling you get when you finally get close to achieving a goal, at ...
As 2018 draws to a close, there’s plenty of drama swirling around us. A government shutdown, partial or otherwise, isn’t ...
Ever since I was a child visiting my grandmother in Ormond Beach, I've enjoyed seeing the local antique car shows ...
There’s a fine between thoughtful planning and analysis, or over-thinking and paralysis. I should know, as I’ve crossed it from ...
It’s that thrilling basketball moment, when a player drives toward the basket with focus and intensity! One of three things ...
Your business strategy is designed with the goal of realizing the Vivid Vision you first imagined. Executing it successfully requires ...
​That’s a powerful commitment. The Air Force Special Operations Command adheres to their Vision: ​“Air Commandos, highly trained, capable and ...
That All-Important Question is the one every leader, aspiring leader and team member must answer.  The question can be applied ...
If you don’t ask, who will?  What’s the price of remaining silent?  Will you miss out on the opportunity of ...
If you want to gain valuable insights, you need to ask Great Questions.  Of the 4 critical skills that create ...
​To ‘Aspire’ is to infuse a vision with the energy required to achieve it! Aspiration is seeing what can be, ...
It is such a glorious moment when you make it to the top! The ascent can be literal, as in ...
It’s useful to pay attention to your surroundings, since failure to do so can have costly consequences. Wildlife know this ...
“Now is the time to be Bold!” This clear and unequivocal advice was offered by a business veteran with 30 ...
I heard one of our most promising sales professionals use this statement multiple times in a team strategy session this ...
.....or Get Out! The sign at a local equestrian business announced their business philosophy with a sign hung on the ...
​When it comes to building lasting relationships with others, the only sustainable approach is to “be real”. In order to ...
It's HOT out there! It's summer everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere and the closer you get to the Tropics, the ...
​The time is now, today, in this moment. The decisions you make and the actions you take matter more than ...
New Year’s Day is, in most ways, merely another day in the endless continuum of days. Yet there’s something special ...
Leadership is an elusive art. To be effective, a leader’s belief system must be rock solid at its core, then ...
In our constant quest to hire people, find new customers and acquire business capital to support growth, it can be ...
This year has brought fresh perspective on many important things. New people in new places, doing important work with and ...
That’s where you’ll find Blue Skies! They are always there, sometimes hidden behind the heavy gray curtain, so we can’t ...
You can toss a cast net in the ocean and see what you pick up.  Or you can strategically pursue ...
Every once in a great while, a Big New Idea comes along. We can think of countless, remarkable inventions and ...
What are the Big Rocks you need to shape in your life and work, in order to move forward? Pause ...
It’s the beginning of a life. What will it become? How will it contribute to our human experience? Why does ...
I attended a family wedding this past weekend. It was heartening to be surrounded by the overwhelming joy of friends ...
It's that time of year, when winter still has a firm grip on the weather, but warmer thoughts turn to ...
There are 4x4's. Then there are Jeeps. Then there are custom JEEPS Built Right.There are businesses. Then there are Companies ...
Our moment in history is the exact same measure of time experienced by humans through the ages, with sunrises, sunsets, ...
A student of history should recall these important lines from Lincoln’s 1863 Gettysburg address: “It is rather for us to ...
If you've never seen the "Calypso Pass" in real life, what I'm about to write doesn't begin to do it ...
From far away, you can't hear anything at all. Move a bit closer and you might pick up some slight ...
It’s the first essential ingredient: Caring. If a team commits to building a culture together, it all begins with deciding ...
Our tendency as humans is to avoid change. Change is risky. Change can create fear. What we already know feels ...
Eventually a change agent comes along. Change may start in the form of a market force, but eventually the change ...
​If you can't or don't want to play your competitor’s game, change the rules! Just because that's the way it's ...
Those of us who work with nature have been given continuous lessons in handling Changing Conditions. It’s a way of ...
The Miracle Day has come ‘round again;Winter says it’s due and the moment true.Memories collide with realities of today,While exchanging ...
There are various means to an end. Some methods may achieve the desired result, but leave damage along the way ...
​“Speak clearly, simply, and sparingly, and it should stick.” ~ Peggy Noonan~ These are very practical words of wisdom from ...
Having clarity about crucial aspects of life improves the view. We see more clearly when we:  Define our Core ...
I recently wrote about how an occasional change in perspective can make all the difference and encouraged getting “off the ...
It was the name that first grabbed my attention, but it was the performance that made it memorable. Race horses ...
Commencement is a word that we hear a great deal at this time of year, in conjunction with graduation ceremonies.  ...
​What's the difference? Plenty. The form you choose to accomplish special projects will define the process and shape the outcome ...
I’ve discovered that the best thing about writing a book, aside from actually finishing it and having it published, is ...
​When you have confidence, others can sense it. They can hear it in your voice, see it in your body ...
​Leading a branch-based service business is different than working in a single location company. You discover that there's something unique ...
Living life can be compared to traveling a long and winding river.  As it flows downstream, you have two choices: ...
There are myriad levels of conversation, from superficial to deep. For a conversation to result in forward progress, however, it ...
It's not a genuine conversation unless you are listening, relating and responding to one another. Conversations that matter have the ...
​How good do you want to be? Is average good enough? Or do you have higher aspirations for your life ...
Ideas are wonderful things. They come about in all sorts of ways and take many forms; sometimes they emerge from ...
If you boil all of the daily activity down to its essence, the fundamental purpose of a business is Creating ...
Happy New Year!  This article is my 87th cultivation(s) post since I began sharing thoughts and ideas with you on ...
Some just call it Marketing.  For David Groleau, however, his role is actually about Cultivating Connections.  Not just any connections, ...
I just had one of those fabulous “dream client” experiences that make it all worthwhile.  It was the sort of ...
Managers from across our business have come together this week in a Safety Symposium, with their focus on enhancing the ...
What do you take a healthy dose of daily? Is it something that feeds your soul, serves your purpose, or ...
Black as Night, Swift as the Wind; Quiet, Powerful, and Full of Purpose. You can approach, without understanding; Listen closely, ...
The purpose of our business information systems is to provide us with timely and relevant information for effective decision-making. We ...
Our World is awash in data: small data, BIG DATA, messy data, clean data, meaningless data and useful data, among ...
What makes for a worthwhile day when it's Day’s End? How do you judge a success, or evaluate a failure? ...
The decision is yours to make. When the sun rises on January 1st, and each day thereafter, you can decide ...
​A decision to act is completely different than a need to react. While both may result in action, the motivations ...
We are faced with many decisions daily in our work and personal lives. Most decisions are not life-changing, but some ...
Every day brings with it a range of decisions for us to make. Some are minor and routine; others can ...
A Great American passed away on August 25th, but Senator John McCain left behind life lessons for all of us ...
I had the pleasure of hearing Lisa Earle McCloud speak earlier this week on selling with a noble purpose. Her ...
​If you want to be prepared, you’ve got to do the work. “Cliffs Notes” may provide fast facts, but it’s ...
When the answer you need isn’t lying there right on the surface (and it rarely is), Dig Deeper! The insight ...
The point of Seeking is Discovery.That concept sounds simple enough, but it suggests actively approaching each day with the purpose ...
There’s a measurable difference between Good and Great.  It comes down to how much team members care about: Why they ...
Accounting is the language of business. Without at least a conversational knowledge of the language, it's like visiting a foreign ...
It’s become popular in the business lexicon to hear about expectations and ability to “drive results”. Is that what modern-day ...
Those three words speak volumes about what it means to be a West Point Cadet and they are seen everywhere ...
​Building Trust over time is just as simple as that. Do What You Say You're Going To Do. That simple, ...
Have you ever had a boss in your life that was tough, often scrappy and occasionally difficult, someone who came ...
Gravity is an immutable force.  It relentlessly pulls us back to earth and keeps us grounded.  That same physical force can also ...
A company can't afford to stand still.  To survive in this world of rapid change, it must adapt to achieve ...
When it comes to building a product of a specific model, the intent is to build individual units exactly the ...
How would you define what it means to be an Exceptional Professional? I can show you what it “looks” like, ...
​Are you known for excuses, or for explanations? When issues arise, no excuses are sufficient. By the same token, when ...
Each of us is on a personal journey that unfolds with each passing day. The passage of time by itself, ...
In the USA - Belgium World Cup soccer game, "Extra Time" proved to be a bit too much. But then ...
Every industry and business has its own unique qualities, but they all share a vital common element: Customers.  Without them, ...
It's not about “what” we do or “how” we do it. It's absolutely about “who” does it; it’s about the ...
The Formosa Azaleas in my garden are convinced that it's spring.  I imagine that the gorgeous lavender blooms of my ...
​I’m pretty sure that I'm not the only one feeling it, but life is moving too fast to stop and ...
Your decisions and actions of today will influence the life of another person, in ways sometimes small and occasionally large ...
​While the rest of the mainland US shivers under a frozen blanket, in Florida we are still basking (a flowery ...
You don't expect to find a Florida Gator Snowman in the North Georgia countryside, any more than you'd expect to ...
I love watching the Olympics, especially the Summer Games.  I enjoy sports that I don’t follow at other times, but ...
Which of these best describes you at work?  When you think about your typical day, your activities might fit those ...
I was enjoying dinner on an outdoor patio at a busy downtown restaurant, when it began to sprinkle rain from ...
It's really easy to get ahead of yourself. When the adrenaline kicks in, the impulse is to just charge ahead ...
There is a natural order to life, at least most aspects of it. When crucial relationships are ignored, or turned ...
The hallmark of a custom home is the quality of Fit and Finish throughout. The same can be said of ...
Sometimes life hits you with a gut punch that doubles you over and takes your breath away. Sometimes these traumatic ...
The average full-time employee works 2,080 hours in a year. To work five million hours would require just over 2,400 ...
If there’s no spark, there’s no fire. And no fire means no energy being released. Business is fueled by sustainable ...
​It’s more than a number to Team Jacksonville! When it was “1” it was fun. When it became “2” they ...
Fighter pilots are a special breed. Last fall, a former Navy F/A-18 pilot, who was teaching an Aeronautical Engineering course ...
The view from ground level is limited by geography and to what’s right in front of you. When you are ...
​ “Perpetual Optimism is a Force Multiplier”, declares General Colin Powell in his autobiography, as Rule #13 of his Rules ...
As we travel through life, including the career portion, we make constant adjustments in our direction. Most are subtle, small ...
Our world has become increasingly casual in recent years, both at and away from work. There's been a very visible ...
It's football season! Yes, that magical time of year has finally arrived, when teams across the country suit up and compete ...
That's when the effort matters most in football. Playing with intensity throughout a game is always important, but it's how ...
I was born to fly;Never too early to try.Why not walk instead of crawl?Never saw any reason to stall. ​Free ...
We are blessed to live in a place and time where freedom of choice is viewed as an "Inalienable Right" ...
We are celebrating the Great American Adventure 245 years strong this Independence Day. The sacrifice of so many offers us ...
“Cultivation(s)” is not a political forum. For the past six years, "Cultivation(s)" has been a forum for sharing my thoughts ...
Depending upon your faith or your personal beliefs, this time of year is filled with different variations of Season’s Greetings ...
Yesterday provided a deep breath of Fresh Air and I didn't have to wait until October to getit! These seven ...
I’m commenting on landscapes here, because that’s a natural focus of my professional work, but taking a fresh look can ...
He peddled the old 3-speed bike up the hill, as he’d done so many times before. But this time was ...
​Can you be both of those things, at the same time? I believe so. Business can be hurried and blunt; ...
What you can see from a distance reveals the form over the substance. To view a large city from above ...
Leadership is a Journey. Our 2017 Leadership Forum brought together Many from across our business for One Purpose: to drive ...
Life is serious business. As far as we know, we only get one shot at it; the stakes are high ...
​Do you have Game? How about a Game Face? Can other people tell if you're ready for action and “in ...
Nearly four years ago I shared thoughts On Being RESPECTFUL in this space. Sadly, our society has drifted farther away ...
The years roll by. I'm amazed to reflect that I joined Austin Outdoor ten years ago this month. I've learned ...
When a mistake happens, as it can and will in a world filled with humans, we are taught that the ...
What's your definition of a good day? When you look back at the day, as the sun goes down, do ...
Five years ago, one of our clients offered this comment about Austin Outdoor in response to our first formal survey: ...
​This slang expression has two distinct meanings, one positive and the other decidedly not. Literally, it's the abbreviated version of ...
Gratitude is the Number One Ingredient in Happiness. If you're not grateful, it's impossible to be happy. Finding pleasure in ...
Some years ago a landscape installation contract came across my desk that included some rather unusual language; among other things, ...
​I could be referring to organic vegetables, or whatever else your imagination conjures up, but I’m not. I’m referring to ...
If you’re a contestant in a game show, guesswork might be acceptable. After all, part of the objective of the ...
As we explore how to become better listeners and develop a deep understanding of client needs, we know that the ...
It’s a busy life, one full of urgent demands and competing priorities.  As it unfolds around us like a motion picture ...
Do you have an uplifting place, one that gets you in touch with your potential? It may be a physical, ...
A rare combination of qualities are required for a business to scale in a way that produces a higher power ...
​There are two kinds of history: World History and Your History. World History is not simply a stiff course to ...
​The Southern Rock band, 38 Special, produced a hit song titled “Hold on Loosely”. I always crank the radio up ...
A person must first demonstrate Honor through integrity in actions big and small, in order to ultimately receive it in ...
I attended a horse show this past weekend, the Canterbury "Summer Sizzler" Dressage event in Newberry, Florida to be exact ...
On March 10, 1876, Alex Graham Bell called out to his assistant, Mr. Watson, through his new electrical device:  "Mr ...
Is there such a thing? Or do those two words compose the ultimate oxymoron? I’ll express my belief in this ...
Our natural tendency is to accept what we see at face value. This impulse is understandable, but it can also ...
There's a remarkable human capacity to create ideas that improve how we live, work and play. Certain rare and storied ...
I tend to think about life and ponder possibilities on walks with my Spaniel; it’s a time when new ideas ...
Humans have a remarkable capacity to envision ideas. Some have the ability to test them and put them to work ...
Photo credit: Misha Corbett .....He's going to ask for a glass of milk! So begins the children's classic by the ...
The most incredible inventions the World has ever seen don't exist yet. Driven by the human spirit of Imagination, however, ...
Some things require the passage of time and accumulation of experience to become the best versions of themselves. There are ...
​It's not always easy to say what needs to be said. But it's always the best approach in the long ...
What inference can you make from the information you have at hand? Is it clear, compelling and sufficient? Or is ...
As the speed of change exponentially increases, it is critical to adapt in real-time. If you wait too long, you’ll ...
We all face a daily challenge of managing myriad activities to required or desired outcomes. It becomes even more complicated ...
Our view of the future is not nearly as clear as we might like it to be. On one level, ...
When business is going well, is it because you’re a great leader? It can be tempting to think so, but ...
How well do you remember the place you grew up?  For some, the place will remain very familiar today; for ...
[Guest Post by Frederick "Drew" Dellecker]When my father asked me if I would consider writing a guest article for his ...
I've heard that a lot lately. In fact, I've heard it all across the Southeast, in every corner of our business.  ...
​Is it, really? There was a time, in a place far, far away, where a contract consisted of a handshake ...
I love this time of year, beginning with Thanksgiving and running through Christmas. It's a season filled with Joy, especially ...
When the sun comes up tomorrow, will it be just another day? You get to choose. Whether it’s a work ...
Just one more... smile when you greet someone. follow-up on a lead. note to remember to handle it. confirmation when ...
I met a unique tribe of humans in northern Wisconsin this week.  As I toured their bustling American factory, I ...
When you know you can, do it!When you're not quite sure if you can, try it.When you know you need ...
There are three types of people: 1. Those who Can and Do; 2. Those who Can and Don't; 3. Those ...
Focused energy and consistent effort are required to elevate your leadership. Without those elements, there will either be a failure ...
When a business grows quickly and transitions from small or single location to a much larger multi-location operation, its leaders ...
“Our Destiny is shaped by our Thoughts and Actions. We cannot direct the wind, but we can Adjust the Sails.” ...
The third crucial leadership skill is paying attention to the details, always. Once you’ve assembled the right team (People First) ...
Photo: ​Growth for the sake of growth is not a worthy goal. But growth matters, and I’ll share some ...
Once you’ve assembled your talented team, focused them in pursuit of a compelling purpose, dialed in the details, then figured ...
​It’s exciting to lead a talented and energized team, working together in an environment of mutual respect and trust. For ...
​You can’t lead from behind a desk—or over the telephone. If you want to be a leader, you need to ...
I learned a few things about business as an undergraduate in college, plus a few more in grad school. The ...
Once you’ve put People First and have assembled the right core team, a leader must assure that he or she ...
You’re being watched. No, not by the NSA, or some other clandestine agency. It’s your employees, and your customers, who ...
The essence of leadership lies in a person’s ability to communicate ideas and information in a manner that inspires and ...
Leading, and managing a business within that broader concept, is challenging enough when the economy is strong, your labor force ...
I hope that you enjoyed Labor Day 2018. This national holiday dates back to 1894 and was a “a creation ...
This ancient word conjures up ideas of worthy things from a bygone era. Its Latin roots humanized this concept in ...
You can learn a lot from a good dog.  Justice was a greyhound and a fine dog at that.  For ...
The spirit of Freedom is alive and well in the United States of America! On the eve of celebrating our ...
This isn’t a new idea, but here’s a fresh angle to consider. Sure, you can approach tomorrow the same as ...
What got you here won’t take you there. If you want to grow and prosper, you’ll need to level up! ...
Yesterday was one of reflection. It revolved around the active and extremely purposeful life of my youngest son, who tragically ...
The worth of something can be determined by the effort required to create it and the ultimate value it offers ...
It can never be Like it Was.  Unless you have a Time Machine. We seek normalcy and a sense of place, ...
These two words share the same six letters and their unique combinations offer the perfect complement: To listen is to ...
People always remember the little things. These memories work both ways - good and bad. The cumulative result of people's experiences ...
​This week I was in downtown Orlando, busy driving to an appointment and focused on work. As I rounded the ...
Life only moves in one direction. Even if we choose to do nothing differently tomorrow, the hands of time keep ...
None of us like to lose a game. It’s hard to be a “good sport” in the face of a loss, ...
There once was a manager named Lost,Who avoided seeing customers at all cost;Lost thought they didn't care,But was just unaware,So ...
Strong emotional feelings toward your work can develop over time. As with other relationships in life, that attachment can create ...
There’s a popular saying that "it's better to be lucky than good". My view, however, is that "it's best to ...
That's exactly what a group of talented administrative professionals discovered about their roles this week through teamwork and interaction. They ...
Service failures occasionally happen. When people are serving other people in an active business setting, things don't always go according ...
There’s an illusion associated with “making time”, which actually represents the ultimate oxymoron. Time is the finite resource in our ...
We live in an instant world. As consumers, we’re accustomed to instant gratification. You can find myriad products and services ...
I love maps.  Detailed maps.  Colorful maps.  Especially topographical maps that show terrain along with highlighting important geographic points.  Until ...
It’s not necessary to be listed in the Fortune 100 to be a market maker. You can choose that status ...
We have perfect clarity on the past, if we choose to see it. We have no way to know what ...
Once a decision is made to take action, it's crucial to consider how to approach the work. There are often ...
Are you gifted at reading minds? I most definitely am not. Many things can be said about me, but being ...
There’s that little voice in the back of your mind. It speaks softly to you when all is quiet and ...
History offers us important lessons, which serve to inform our present and guide our path into the future. To discover ...
It happens so fast, such that if you blink you just might miss it. Life is full of moments in ...
When crucial “Moments of Truth” instead become “Moments of Lies”, an organization is heading down the slippery slope into the ...
​When a team has turned the tide, is gaining strength, and is pressing forward, you can sense it. Momentum isn't ...
Good people will join a company for a job, but they will only stay for opportunity. Creating opportunity typically depends ...
Your work matters. It's important to those you serve or for whom you build things, to family members who depend ...
I truly don't like to paint.  I have done plenty of it through the years, however, from kid's bedrooms, to ...
I spend lots of time thinking about business; that even includes occasionally dreaming about it.  The Art of Business absolutely ...
“Nature never makes any blunders. When she makes a fool she means it.” ~ Archibald Alexander Notable 19th Century theologian Archibald ...
The Eagle calls so it must be spring,A riveting reminder of your presence.Vivid memories rush to top of mind,Which capture ...
When you care about key clients with high expectations, they need to know. Keeping their importance as an internal secret ...
That old reliable sun came up again this morning! At least there are some things to count on in these ...
​When it comes to meeting in person, the next best thing……. isn't. There’s simply no substitute for face-to-face communication to ...
What to do when the current Big Thing, the one you’ve been working on for years, is finally “shipped”? It’s ...
One day must come to and end before another can begin. There’s often a moment, if we choose to observe ...
There comes a time when you have a pivotal decision to make: Will you settle for the status quo? You ...
Which do you aspire to reach: “The Next Level” or “A Higher Level”? The expressions mean two very different things ...
The unpredictable and traumatic events of the past 12 months possess a dominant theme: 2020 – What will happen Next? ...
L ive by a set of clear values E xpect best efforts A lways seek what’s possible D on’t accept ...
I heard a new expression this week at our annual Safety Symposium; it was new to me, at least, but ...
Each and every day is special in its own right and deserves to be celebrated as such. The dates with ...
When I wrote about the Next Big Thing just over 4 years ago, little did I realize what was coming our way.  There ...
We now live in both a wired and wireless world, with connectivity literally surrounding us and bathing us in information ...
Accountability begins within us and transmits to our interactions with others. To own the outcomes is the most personal of ...
What does it take to become truly Exceptional in some aspect of your life and work? After all: "Only the ...
There’s the noun, of course, which refers to us as Human Beings. But the power of the word lies in ...
To Show Respect is to Earn Respect. This fundamental principle is at the center of building meaningful relationships that enhance ...
Trust is the strongest, and also the most fragile, link between human relationships. “Trust is the glue of life. It’s ...
Everyone needs a quiet place, somewhere to reflect, relax and recharge. While the World keeps spinning, you can hit the ...
​Where do you go to observe the world? Do you have a quiet place from which the view is clear ...
It doesn't work that way for most of us. At least not when it comes to producing something worthwhile and ...
One of the keys to building lasting relationships in a service business is the ability to recognize unique client requirements ...
Options. Choices.  Alternate ways of doing things, different means for reaching the same goal. Life is chock full of them.The ...
Options are good. The more thoughtfully you plan and the more diligently you prepare, the more likely you’ll be “lucky” ...
I gave A Tip of the Hat to Stetson University, my alma mater, in this space one year ago. The ...
Even the very grayest of days can offer up something that you don’t expect, through a visual encounter that causes ...
It's the difference between just working at a job or exerting the emotional energy that makes you indispensable. What you ...
Our busy lives spin ever faster in a hectic, and increasingly chaotic, world. Weather, war, politics and economics are amplified ...
The fuel that drives business is People: capable, focused, motivated and well-equipped people. I've spent the last couple of days ...
Our perception of the world we live in and the people around us shape our reality over time. Is what ...
As we prepare to celebrate the somber Memorial Day holiday, along with the semi-official start of the summer season, we ...
I fly quite a bit, mostly for business and sometimes for pleasure. To any frequent fliers who are reading this, ...
We don’t see things the same way up close as we do from a distance. It’s a physical fact that ...
We each hold a certain view of the world, based upon how we have learned to see things over time, ...
Sometimes the way we see the world through a window captures the essence of the moment. When you capture it ...
What do Pine Trees, Hot Water and Bingo have in common? For someone who grew up immersed in the American ...
Last week in this space I discussed the idea that to perform consistently at a high level requires an ability ...
​What will you do when your first choice doesn't work out? Do you have a Plan “B” ready for action? ...
A Plan for Success isn't a static document, but instead should be seen as an interactive process that leads to ...
There are plenty of unwelcome surprises awaiting us. In the realm of business, they take the form of such things ...
The opposing forces of Polarity and Complexity are incompatible. Discovering modern solutions to difficult problems, whether at the national or ...
How can two words that start out the same way end up so differently? The same question can be asked ...
Sometimes you can see it when they're brand new. Sometimes it takes time and patience before potential is revealed. That's ...
It does seem as though many things come in 3’s. In my case, at least, trying to keep more than ...
​A message has more impact when it is delivered clearly and with a singular focus. A business that shares One ...
The number Seven is significant in various spiritual, mathematical and cultural contexts. Following are a few key interpretations of the ...
Exceptionality in any endeavor requires more than true grit and a strong work ethic. A person can work diligently at ...
​If you want to run a marathon, you’d better train for it. If you want to run a business, you’d ...
Each day brings new opportunities, challenges and the corresponding need to set or adjust priorities. It’s a continuous work in ...
Encountering "problems" is an aspect of every day life that we all experience.  Unfortunately, solving them is not as common.  ...
Dik van der Velden was Pure Dutch – and also a one-of-kind friend. Upon hearing that Dik had passed away, ...
There it was in all its ominous glory — SR-71 Blackbird— on display at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum ...
Throughout our lives we are faced with situations where there are questions without answers. Or at least it seems that ...
To be Leadership Worthy is to be ready to go, when the time is right.  To the casual observer, that readiness may not ...
​My brother and I like to torment one another with old family pictures, as only brothers can do. As the ...
When changes occur in your business environment, or your life for that matter, how do you perceive them? That answer ...
Are you getting where you want to go, or just going through the motions? Those who make real progress are ...
I’m writing this to you from Denver on a brilliant Easter morning. It is springtime here; you can feel the ...
There are many definitions of Leadership floating around out there – in books, on the world wide web and in ...
​I’m a grower at heart. After working for many years in horticultural production and marketing “in my prior life”, I ...
Facts, by themselves, can be rather boring. They become interesting when presented metaphorically; they may actually become memorable if wrapped ...
Today we Remember: those we know and those unknown to us but whose deeds have made it possible for us to reflect on ...
That's what Spring is all about: Renewal.  It features the brilliant Renewal of nature and often our physical world too, along ...
It’s a powerful trait to exhibit in these uneasy times. Resilience is the emotional elasticity that comes in quite handy ...
It's that time of year, again, when many set bold New Year’s Resolutions and most quickly let them fade away ...
​It requires a lifetime to earn, yet only takes a moment to lose. It is the most fragile human quality ...
I just drove my father's 1987 Lincoln Continental for the first time in over 20 years. I recall how proud ...
We spend the majority of our time focused on what's in front of us, as we pursue building the lives ...
Humans have a remarkable ability to hear what they want and remember what they like. Part of that tendency is ...
RFPWhat comes to mind when you see or hear this acronym?  Is it:A Request For Proposal – or – Reaching ...
No matter where or how the journey begins; All potential and expansive unknowns. Others may have cleared a path; Whether ...
My basic premise for launching “cultivation(s)” six years ago was that growing a business is a lot like farming, something ...
Effective teams need a compelling purpose and clear goals. They also require a set of shared standards for how they ...
A lonely profession, unless you choose community; Full of rejection, unless you choose acceptance; Mostly about losing, unless you choose winning; About ...
Sometimes a break from the action is just what's needed. During the past week, I explored parts of “The Land ...
The goal is not to start. The goal is to see it through. There are a hundred, a thousand, or ...
The view from your own porch seldom changes.If you want to truly See the possibilities and realize your Vision, an ...
Are you seeing things as they are, or do you envision them as they could be? It can be difficult ...
Once a Marine, always a Marine.  When John Faulkner founded Cornerstone Solutions Group in the mid-1980's, he did it in ...
We can embrace the summer season, or not. Depending upon where you live, reactions often vary. What seems incredibly hot ...
Do you have a knack for “making desirable discoveries by accident”? Do fortunate happenings simply materialize in front of you? ...
As an organization grows, most things change although a couple of foundational things do not. An aspirational Shared Purpose inspires ...
If you want to hit the target, it pays to shoot straight!  It minimizes the ammunition you need to accomplish ...
…usually aren't what they seem! People are always looking for a quicker way, the fastest route to the desired result ...
Success in a service business depends heavily on the elements that surround the service that is actually provided.  While the ...
I’ve always had a thing for grilled food and, especially, meats. Over time, my grilling environment has evolved from a ...
It took 36 years to complete and, when finally dedicated in 1884, the Washington Monument was the tallest structure in ...
We are social creatures, so the required “Social Distancing” can feel like being sentenced to solitary confinement.  Yet our opportunity for ...
Hiring a person to join your business is the most important decision you will ever make. The effects are long ...
….Are Better than others. It’s an undeniable fact of life. Some days are cause for celebration. There are so many ...
It’s still early in a New Year with new possibilities. It won’t be long, however, before the “Resolutionists” give up ...
​When it comes to working with people, sometimes things don’t go as planned. Sometimes the outcomes are entirely unexpected or ...
In this angry and uncivilized election season, it seems that most candidates are on the hunt for daily sound bites ...
It’s time to shake off the icicles and limber up for Spring Action. Incrementally longer and steadily brighter days herald ...
Nothing signals the emergence of Spring like the appearance of her first blooms. Yellow daffodils herald the sun and are ...
It's official!  We don't need to set our clocks forward or glance at the calendar for a clue; all that's ...
It’s that magical time of year when Nature comes back to life, heralding Spring with a kaleidoscope of color!  To witness ...
So said Jim Herth, the irrepressible sales coach, as he energized our sales team at the 2017 Sales Kickoff. It's ...
It requires focus and precision to create straight lines. And the impression they create, when done well, is pleasing to ...
It’s a debilitating business disease, which can creep in virtually unnoticed until it’s too late for the company to recover ...
When was the last time you actually watched a sunset? I don't mean just glancing up at the sky and ...
For the record, I love cars, especially sleek and very fast ones. I also enjoy a worthy metaphor. So, if ...
Yesterday was one of those exceptional days that illustrates why leading a business is such great fun. Our Tampa Branch ...
These days, most of us would hate to be caught without our smart phone, especially if it’s an iPhone! Odds ...
If you spend much time around me these days, you’re bound to hear this phrase: Take Your Turn! The concept ...
This week was another one of those mind-expanding experiences that occurs when you get off the front porch and go ...
​It's the single most important aspect of any successful enterprise, yet the most difficult to measure. The quality of your ...
​You are the only person who can tell your story exactly the way it should be told. After all, you're ...
The Great State of Texas is a big place, one full of big opportunities and matching expectations. This week I ...
It's been fun to witness the transformation. The possibilities were there all along, lying just beneath the surface, waiting for ...
Being thankful isn’t something you do; being thankful is something you are. It is a way of being. There is ...
​We say the word, often, as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches. We talk about “where” we're going, “who” is coming, “how” ...
...Guy. ...Crew. ...Problem. ...Job. That's got to stop right now! So spoke Ignacio, with great conviction, on an all-hands safety ...
It's amazing what a group of talented people can do when they understand their purpose - The Big Picture - and share ...
​You become like the company you keep. And your company becomes like the people who keep it. Each is a ...
Forty-five years ago this month, the lunar module bearing the name "The Eagle" deposited Apollo astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz ...
The Holiday Season is considered a time for giving gifts, as a way of expressing thanks and appreciation for others. Often ...
​What’s your Golden Rule? Do you operate according to a personal and professional standard of conduct that applies equally to ...
Meet my Uncle Jim, a proud member of The Greatest Generation. Uncle Jim is 93 years old and he requires ...
Building lasting client relationships depends heavily on how they start out. Otherwise, you're forced to do things “The Hard Way” ...
​Very often there are two routes to reach your destination: by traveling The Low Road, or by taking The High ...
The evolution of computers and exponential growth in computing power during our lifetime has been truly remarkable. The most powerful ...
It can be tempting to pursue the quick fix or the easy option, to play the short game. If what’s ...
Every day, our interactions with different people combine to create an overall experience that affects how we feel. When I ...
I had the pleasure to engage in a high-energy workshop with a team of exceptional sales professionals this week. This ...
I recently enjoyed an engaging conversation with a branch manager about a wide range of business topics, including building client ...
What does it cost, that thing you want to have? What is the price you really pay, for that ambitious ...
Last week in this space I shared thoughts on what it means to be truly “All-In” and listed 18 observations ...
Here they are: Proper Planning and Preparation Prevent Piss- Poor Performance. The British Army is given credit for this powerful ...
Is the story you tell Truth, or Fiction? Those who hear it can swiftly tell the difference. If you’re sitting ...
When you've given all you've got, when there is nothing left, you've given "the whole nine yards". It turns out ...
​What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? The answers for me are abundant but, as I reflected early today on ...
​When you're “all-in” with your work, when you live and breathe what you do every single work day, those activities ...
In cases where the first or second attempt doesn't work, do you try again? Sometimes the third time’s the charm ...
“We’ve always done it this way.” You’ve heard it and you’ve seen the effects. Looking back, you’ve seen how “that ...
Do you have a thought partner? Is there someone in your sphere who helps you think more deeply, see more ...
A three-legged stool relies upon evenness and balance for support. If one leg is slightly short, the stool becomes wobbly ...
When we were very young, everything was new, amazing and sparked our curiosity daily. As the saying goes: “Those were ...
Statement: “I don’t have time for that.” Translation: “I choose not to invest time in that.” The outcome of this ...
It requires conscious effort, plus some prep time, if you want to truly figure out what's on your client's mind ...
When Top Talent gather and actively share their best thinking with one another, the effect is exponential. This interaction elevates ...
**Building Trust: 7 Tips for Softening Up Tough Customers** When you encounter a tough customer, your first reaction may be ...
Sometimes a process, department, or entire business needs restructuring. Sometimes it needs a transformation. How can you know which is ...
In order to achieve our shared Vision and become THE Company of Choice, by creating Lasting Value for Clients, we ...
For 244 years our Tree of Liberty has been steadily growing. As a seedling, it was planted in fertile ground ...
The Halloween tradition calls for a Trick to be played unless a Treat is offered. It's rathergruesome to consider what ...
Is Rooted in Relationships and Respect;Is Not Taken, but Given;Is an Art, Not a Science;Changes with the Circumstances;Grows when Cultivated;Requires ...
You’re pondering that message you just received. What is the sender really saying? Is the true meaning of it conveyed ...
Define Strength. What appears strong to you? Is it the body-builder? Or the professional athlete? Is it buildings of steel ...
As Christmas approaches and we reflect upon what this Holiday Season means to us, these two words stand out for ...
Recently I've encountered a rash of applicants for various management positions who have been less than truthful on their résumés ...
What were the words you chose? Most importantly, how did you choose to say them? Why did they come to ...
As 2014 draws to a close, it's time to turn the page into 2015. Technically, you don't need to do ...
It takes nine months to have a baby, but it requires a full twelve to have a merger that works.  Exactly ...
It seems appropriate to spell it out, since the numerals 26.2 simply don’t adequately describe the enormity of a marathon ...
When you begin each new day, you are faced with two immediate choices:1.  Wait and see what the day brings. Just ...
​Most of us work on a team at one time or another, whether as team leader or member. When it ...
If you want to know what your client cares most about, you have two options: Guess. Ask Them. You might ...
(Benjamin Boyd, Vice President -Operations, Signature Landscape in Kansas City, shares his thoughts with us in this special edition of ...
Your business, or latest initiative, begins as Version One, aka ‘1.0’. It marks the first edition of a new thing ...
I heard it twice today, from two different managers as they shared their experiences from the front lines.  In the ...
It is possible to be "Unknown" as an individual, but yet remembered for what you were part of accomplishing. That idea ...
The Power of One -- Uno -- in business should not be under-appreciated. While "One and Done" is a decidedly ...
How’s it going with your New Year’s Resolution(s)? Did you make one or more for 2016? If you did, is ...
I finally met Bill Hunziker! He introduced the word "Victory" to Cornerstone through John Faulkner and forever changed the language ...
The Pandemic of 2020 drags on and a third crest rises, while the Holiday Season awaits us just ahead. In ...
Vision implies seeing something of Lasting Value in what you do every day so that clients can see it too ...
Veterans have stories worth hearing; that’s how they became veterans in the first place. This concept is well-known in the ...
There’s nothing like a walk outside to make you feel better about yourself and life in general. It gets the ...
The weather cleared out in the afternoon with fresh air and clear skies that beckoned me outside. It felt like ...
As the years march on And another Memorial Day arrives; We Honor You! Your service and selfless sacrifice Are what ...
The most successful professionals discover that their individual abilities can gain exponential potential through collaboration with other talented professionals. They ...
On this third Saturday of May, Armed Forces Day, And on each day we breathe the fresh air of Freedom; ...
When I visit a grand new place, I see the scale but sense the history. Union Station in Kansas City ...
​An oriental friend of mine shared a proverb with me that he memorized as a child and which he uses ...
The answer can be quite literal, as in the case of a rather unique “boat building competition” that I participated ...
​…Won’t Take You There! If your organization is growing, or you want it to, it’s essential to adapt your capabilities ...
This week I had the opportunity to tour some of our properties in the Atlanta area and to meet a ...
When it comes to results, what you get reflects where you focused. Business today is fast-moving, complex and often presents ...
When someone sees or hears the name “Austin Outdoor”, what comes to mind? The feeling they get is a direct ...
Everything.  Love is a most powerful and unique emotion.  My Valentine's Day wish for you is that your life has ...
Photo credit: Metro DC Photography When today is done, will you pause to look back at what's transpired? As you ...
That presentation you’re working on so intently; yes, that one! What’s your point? What I’m trying to determine is your ...
If someone asks you about yourself and your work, what do you tell them? Have you thought about what's valuable ...
If you want to get your point across, to connect and make something positive happen, it’s wise to consider how ...
Many things we do are routine tasks that don’t require extra thought or preparation; this isn’t to say that they ...
You must be ready. You can't start to strategize and plan when it's already time for action. At the decision ...
When opportunity knocks, do you answer? The tap at the door isn’t always loud, but it pays to listen for ...
Treat each day as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, because it is; Getting it right the first time becomes essential; Careful research, ...
There comes a moment when you know what you want to do with your life, or at least the part ...
There's usually a small, seemingly inconspicuous place where Trust begins. It might start out with something as simple as a ...
There’s a tendency to be so focused on just making it through the day, that you may fail to notice ...
We’ve all heard it and know how whining makes the listener feel. It’s like fingernails on a chalk board! Whining ...
We all need that one person in our life, someone we truly look up to. I'll bet a name and ...
I am pleased to introduce you to Joseph Barnes, Austin Outdoor's new Marketing Manager. In this article, he describes what ...
“If everybody is responsible for it, nobody is responsible for it.” An associate of mine said that to me this ...
When it comes learning valuable business insights, who to ask?  The answer depends upon whether you are merely seeking validation or gaining ...
​What’s the point in going to all the trouble of conducting a client survey? After all, both you and they ...
You'll never know what happens if you don't. The potential gain clearly outweighs the pain. The status quo is not ...
Don't let anyone tell you that you can't achieve, be or acquire what you want. The determining force behind that ...
​We’ve all heard them. Wiggle Words are the words of uncertainty and lack of commitment. At the top of the ...
Fresh, new ideas are like wild flowers. They pop up where no one expects them and they capture our imagination ...
The Will to Win comes from Within. 2020 has served up a fundamental test of the Human capacity to adapt ...
It's energizing to be around winners! Their positive, can-do attitudes will change the chemistry in a room. More importantly, winners ...
What is it that makes one meal preparation taste better than another? Similarly, what is it that makes one business ...
I was engaged in a wide-ranging conversation with a senior operations leader this week. We spoke about the evolution of ...
Where does the magic of estimating originate? How does contractual analysis actually happen? Is there really a person behind all ...
We live in a sound-bite world: text messages, twitter, breaking news, all 24-7, 365. It’s instant and it’s certainly easy, ...
I’ve heard many words and competing sound bites over these past few weeks, some kind and many decidedly not. But ...
This past week I had the opportunity to engage with a group of aspiring young leaders in a workshop setting, ...
We live in an active, ‘always on’, world. Technology envelops us and makes ‘instant everything’ possible, which can become invasive ...
Experiencing our Green Industry Expo makes me feel a lot like a kid seeing a world of possibilities for the ...
​What a cool word – for a cooler?!? The Abominable Snowman has met his match with these clever inventions; if ...
That’s what happens when a leader and service delivery team know exactly what to do. “Zero Discussion” is required; their ...
ExMark Manufacturing’s director of marketing spoke those three simple words, as he explained their corporate philosophy during a recent visit ...
What does that phrase mean to you? It’s the mantra of the Union League of Philadelphia, which was formed in ...
Just after sunrise on a hot, humid July morning, I gathered with nearly 500 landscape professionals at Arlington National Cemetery ...
“Panic Early and avoid the rush!” offered GK, as we actively exchanged ideas in a conversation about leadership, project management ...
Do you have a secret sauce? You know, the special ingredients that make your recipe, or business relationship, come together ...
It takes Two to Tango and many more to have a Chorus Line. For either of these to work without ...