World of Possibilities

October 25, 2013


Experiencing our Green Industry Expo makes me feel a lot like a kid seeing a world of possibilities for the first time. Lots and lots of people are swirling around in a virtual beehive of activity. There are networking opportunities, educational forums and there are SO MANY shiny new things to admire. In a business sense, it’s “CapEx Heaven”!

More than just admiring all the cool “stuff” on display is to consider that they represent the ideas, ingenuity, effort and aspirations of the people who created them. From equipment to software to advanced materials, each year introduces new things and puts them on display. Familiar things are “new and improved” and the best of the best are “continually improved”. Then there are brand new ideas seeing the light of day and experiencing the judgment of the marketplace for the first time.  It takes a brave and determined soul to display their best work among such a vibrant world of possibilities.

I never know quite what I’ll discover as I explore the expo, but invariably I come away with something new that can be brought home applied in my own “world”.  Part of the exploration is planned, but it’s always the “unexpected” that makes these outings such fun.  You never know what lies just around the corner.

Experiencing these expos with others who share similar interests and curiosity adds to the
sense of adventure.  It also amplifies the potential for discovery and enhances discussion of possible applications. That process generates an incredible amount of energy, but also gives focus to our findings. It’s a favorite way for me to interact with talented associates who share a commitment to build a better business.

I feel fortunate to be able to experience such things and consider how they can make our own business more efficient, effective and extraordinary.  After all, none of these things add value until someone uses them to serve someone else. That’s the pleasure and the payoff from exploring a world of possibilities.

You don’t have to attend an expo, however, in order to explore, discover and learn new things. They are all around us and readily accessible through the advances of technology.  An expo simply gathers many ideas together in one place and shines a bright light on them in an energized atmosphere. All you really need is the drive to get out and explore the world of possibilities that surrounds you!

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