What’s Your Point?

April 21, 2024

If you want to get your point across, to connect and make something positive happen, it’s wise to consider how to approach the subject. The “point” itself may be your primary focus, although it’s wise to take a step back before diving into deep and dark water!

When you’re offered an opportunity to bring an important subject to executive leaders for consideration, first think about:

• “Why” – the Strategic Purpose, the reason(s) for embracing process and change to build a better business; without this, your idea is dead on arrival. With clarity in mind here, next consider-

• “How” – discuss the the manner in which you see this working most efficiently to produce needed change and a desired outcome. Once this is established, then talk about-

• “What” – the tactical things that need to occur, either concurrently or in sequence, to get from here to there.

It’s absolutely crucial to bring your audience along and to get them close to your current perspective of the situation. Just don’t start there and bury them in it. When you get buy-in on the first point, you’ll get productive input on the second and, ultimately, alignment on actions and outcomes. Plus you’ll build trusting relationships in the process.

The “Power of Three” is a force of nature when harnessed effectively. For whatever reasons, as humans we tend to be able to follow the logic of three steps, or levels, to realize opportunities and solve problems. When it matters, keep this in mind.

Given my horticultural background, here is an important related piece of advice:

Don’t start out in the weeds, because you will never escape the briar patch!

Build the case and then unveil the parts, one by one. You’ll be glad you did.

Tempus Maximize!

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