Leap Day

September 5, 2018


I hope that you enjoyed Labor Day 2018. This national holiday dates back to 1894 and was a “a creation of the Labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers” according to our US Department of Labor. For many it has come to mark the end of summer and a relaxing day to enjoy with family and friends. Labor Day is for all American workers, but not any one in particular.

Recognizing Labor Day’s value and its limitations, I’ll suggest that the time is right to celebrate your own Leap Day! This uniquely personal day marks your opportunity to shed what’s been holding you back and to make a meaningful Leap forward in your life.

The possibilities for Leap Day are unlimited, but are 100% dependent upon your personal decision to act. You won’t find it on your calendar along with other recognized holidays; you’ll find it within yourself. What’s in front of you that’s worthy of dedicating your very own Leap Day to it?

Leap Day can be about that opportunity you’ve been considering, that relationship you want to start or fix, that degree you’ve talked about pursuing, or perhaps another audacious personal goal that made it into your New Year’s Resolutions, yet somehow never quite launched. What it should be about is something that makes you stretch a bit, or even a lot. It should be something that makes you a better version of yourself and therefore offers greater value to those with whom you associate.

So, go ahead and declare your own Leap Day. And enjoy the journey!

Tempus Maximize!

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