Higher Power

September 26, 2021

A rare combination of qualities are required for a business to scale in a way that produces a higher power. All of its component parts must work in sync and, when they do, kinetic energy generates momentum. Jim Collins wrote about this “flywheel effect” in Good to Great. What’s different about businesses that achieve this level of performance and those that do not?

Higher Power originates within our human nature.

When people join together in a worthy cause, one becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes sixteen, sixteen becomes two hundred and fifty six, and so on exponentially. Every individual choice within these combinations either contributes to a higher power or drains it away. Energy can be dissipated far faster than it can be generated. People decisions are cumulative and they are therefore the most crucial choices we will make.

A worthy cause finds expression in a Vision, or a Shared Purpose, that inspires people to act out of more than their own self-interest. Whenever it inspires service above self, aligned individual actions produce outsized results. People grow professionally, spiritually and collectively and the energy becomes palpable. In turn, the organization itself is infused with a higher power that you can’t see, but you sure can feel. Even those outside the group can sense that something unique is happening.

At the center of all this possibility must live a set of clear and compelling principles that guide decisions and consistent actions. These cannot generate energy when they are affixed to a wall, but only when they reside in and connect hearts and minds. Adherence to these principles assures that choices made can generate a higher power.

If all of this sounds a bit esoteric, I suppose it is. Yet I’ve experienced how this higher power feels and seen how it looks as an empowered organization reaches for its potential. It’s so easy to become complacent, to make an expedient choice instead of the right one, or to look the other way. A higher power does not allow for these indiscretions.

To become better together depends upon understanding, embracing and adhering to People, Purpose and Principles. Choose wisely and experience a higher power in your own life and work!

Tempus Maximize!

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