
December 30, 2022

The decision is yours to make. When the sun rises on January 1st, and each day thereafter, you can decide what kind of year it will be for you. The more purposeful, thoughtful and dedicated you decide to be, the more likely you’ll realize desired outcomes.

If, by chance, you decide to become Leadership Worthy in 2023, there is a course you can follow and a guidebook for your journey. Like any worthwhile goal, it is effective to break down the ultimate outcome into steps that will lead you to realization. The steps you take will vary if you are an aspiring leader setting out for the first time, or an established leader seeking to elevate your game by reaching the next peak in your ongoing leadership journey.

Whatever you decide to pursue in making the year ahead your best one yet, I’ve found that there are two essential elements for turning what many call a New Year’s Resolution into a New Year’s Commitment:

  • Inspiration. Visualizing your goal should elicit a strong and visceral emotional response, one tied to a bigger purpose than the activities associated with achieving it. Ask yourself:
    • Why am I pursuing it?
    • Who will benefit from its achievement (optimally both me and others?
    • How will realization make me feel?
  • Motivation. Getting started is merely that, a beginning. The motivation to keep going when the going gets tough is where progress is made. Tying daily activities to your purpose is the vital connection point to achieving your ultimate goal. This is where you decide:
    • What are the small victories I will achieve each day (and how will that make me feel)?
    • How will I commit time to worthwhile activities each day that move me ever closer to my goal?
      • What does Winning the Day, Week, Month, Quarter (and longer) look like?
      • How will I measure incremental and cumulative progress?
    • How will I “Remember My Why” when I encounter inevitable obstacles?

If your Inspiration is powerful enough,

then your Motivation will offer the practical means to pursue it.

The journey will become its own form of reward as you glance back on the ground already covered and refocus effort where you’re headed. This feedback loop is vital to your ultimate success.

You get to decide what happens next, so Maximize the Moment and enjoy the Journey…..

Tempus Maximize!

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  • […] you Decide if there is something new in store for you? If you’re seeking a better outcome, you will need a […]

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