Built to Last

Our moment in history is the exact same measure of time experienced by humans through the ages, with sunrises, sunsets, seasons and years making their steady march. Yet it feels as though the world spins ever faster. The rate of change is accelerating as a result of technological advances and that, in turn, brings us both gifts and challenges. In this fast-changing environment, can a company still be Built to Last?
Consider this important insight:
“A company built for resilience is a company that is structured to last forever. This is different from a company built for stability. Stability, by its very definition, is about remaining the same.”
Simon Sinek – The Infinite Game
Most of us will agree that “change is the only constant” and that adaptability creates resilience. So how do we build that into what we do, how we do it and, most importantly, why we do it?
> To be built to last is to begin with the end in mind. <
And, today, that’s the fascinating part, because designed properly there is not an end to a successful business; there is a continuum. When leaders and team members take an “infinite” view, as Sinek would term it, the view lengthens to the horizon. And, as you approach the horizon, what happens? It continues to move outward and the faster you approach, the faster it moves away!
When your fundamental product or service creates value for others, the first essential element exists for a business built to last. Creating and delivering that value depends upon a solid foundation to guide decisions and actions. Circumstances change, as they always do, but these tenets must be known and shared.
This framework provides flexibility and allows for movement, much the way a sky-scraper is built to move subtly with the wind while remaining solid at its core. There’s always a balance.
Stability in life and business is an illusion. Businesses built to last favor resilience and prize the power of engaged Team Members with a shared will to succeed.
Tempus Maximize!