Always Something…

December 31, 2018
As 2018 draws to a close, there’s plenty of drama swirling around us. A government shutdown, partial or otherwise, isn’t a good thing. Neither is a polarized government that used to meet “in the middle” for our collective benefit. Stock market roller coaster rides add to the stomach-churning sensations. It’s Always Something….

It’s easy to get lost in the tempest, especially when events also happen in our personal lives that unsettle us. There are minor things, like the person who backed into your car but then drove off. And there are major things, such as the irreplaceable loss of a loved one. It’s Always Something….

Yes, there are always things that affect how we feel and how well we perform. And there always will be. Yet, within all of the events we cannot control, there are always daily decisions within our control.

As I sat down to share these thoughts, I reflected upon the words of Ernest Hemingway in For Whom the Bell Tolls:

“Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today.”
The operative word here is “can”. There is no certain outcome that results from our decisions and corresponding actions, but they can positively alter the course of our lives and those of others. It begins with a Decision to Act.

It’s Always Something…..but we can determine what happens next.

Tempus Maximize!

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