The Power Of A Smile

June 14, 2012
Every day, our interactions with different people combine to create an overall experience that affects how we feel. When I pick up my iPad to read a publication, check e-mail, or type a blog post for cultivation(s), I’m reminded that thousands of talented people worked together to come up with a seamless product; in fact, it may be the most amazing consumer product to come along in my lifetime. When I listen to a smiling Southwest employee singing happy birthday to a passenger, I think about how it’s the people who create a unique airline experience.

At Austin Outdoor, it’s no different. Our people come together to create an organization that provides meaningful client experiences and produces lasting value. The video at the link below features Our People, the nearly 900 smiling faces who make our business unique. As I watched it for the first time, and then a second, I marveled at the amazing smiles. It brightened my mood in the same way that it surely brightens the days of our clients. That smile and the accompanying positive attitude may be a “little thing” to remind ourselves of daily, as Dolores Mew commented to a previous post, but the cumulative effect sure does make a big difference. Thank you for sharing your smiles, for the stories you inspire and for the lasting relationships you create every day!

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