Intentions, or Actions?

February 21, 2017


We all face a daily challenge of managing myriad activities to required or desired outcomes.  It becomes even more complicated when many of these activities are delegated to us at the request of others.  All of this leads to a growing execution gap.

Trouble begins with our own view of these activities.  Are they simply Intentions, or will they become Actions.  To paraphrase a well-worn aphorism in a business context: The road to nowhere is paved with good intentions. Businesses can’t achieve their goals and grow without entire teams of people focused on worthwhile actions that create value.

To adjust our perspective of daily activities first requires a shift in how we describe them.  Are they important enough to deserve commitment, or do we communicate about them using Wiggle Words that offer us an excuse if they don’t happen?  Things worth doing deserve clarity regarding the actions that will be carried out.  A results-oriented change in vocabulary is followed by a corresponding commitment to action.

Your Commitment to Action deserves a place of visibility, because:

  • Visibility creates awareness;
  • Awareness creates accountability;
  • Accountability drives results.

For most of us, the simplest and most powerful place to achieve this sort of accountability is via our calendar.  If it matters, schedule it; when you schedule it, protect the time and see it through.  Creating daily habits in such “small” things will lead to greater results in “big” things over time.

Pave your road to excellence with Actions, not Intentions, then……..Enjoy the Journey!

One Comment

  • jim sivils

    8 years ago

    We could all use a little more wiggle room and less words that’s for sure!!

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