What does it take to become truly Exceptional in some aspect of your life and work? After all:
"Only the mediocre are always at their best."
~Jean Giraudoux
Two crucial decision points open up the possibility of moving from mediocrity toward exceptionality:
Choice. Something has to change inside of you that creates laser focus on a worthy goal.
The stimulus for making a choice might arise from an external event and occasionally from a traumatic one; such choices can be packed with emotional energy. Other choices can and should arise from a growing self-awareness and expanded life experiences; such choices occur more gradually and thoughtfully, while accumulating toward a decision point.
Whatever the stimulus, a positive choice is made around a specific aspect of who you are and the aspiration to reach A Higher Level. By definition, choosing one thing must come with reducing (or even eliminating) time spent on another thing. There are trade-offs to be made in pursuit of being exceptional.
In making the choice to become Exceptional, it’s wise to consider the long-term implications of your decision. Some choices can be adapted, or even reversed, as circumstances change. Others can be difficult, or even impossible, to reverse once made. The higher the stakes, the more thoughtful and objective the decision-making process should be. For example, making a choice to become exceptional at public speaking does not have a great deal of risk associated with it, beyond the self-imposed fear of embarrassment. On the other hand, becoming an exceptional parent hinges on the original choice of a partner and the myriad choices which follow that first one.
To become exceptional, this three-pronged question will help frame your decision: What must I start doing, stop doing and/or do differently?
Commitment. A choice for exceptionality must be accompanied by a decision to act, consistently, in ways that will move you toward the goal. Otherwise, the choice becomes a default decision to fail.
True commitment requires a level of inspiration and motivation that can be elusive. Visualizing how your future state will change for the better, as a result of your choice, is an important aspect of creating energy around it. Most New Year’s Resolutions fail because the idea lacks commitment and therefore dies on the vine.
The Price You Pay along the way will be reflected in how Exceptional you become. The hard work itself must provide some daily reward and infuse motivation that fuels forward progress. Adopting a perspective that enables you to enjoy the journey is essential to continuing forward when inevitable hurdles pop up in front of you.
Being clear about the resources required in time, effort and money is best to know before setting out on the trail. The likelihood of becoming exceptional in a chosen aspect of your life and work is greatly enhanced by this understanding.
There are a couple of other thoughts on being Exceptional that will arise from your Choice and your Commitment:
You tend to discover others with the same passion and who willingly help one another.
When people with Exceptional abilities in certain things join others with Exceptional abilities in complementary things, break-through results occur.
What’s your Choice for being Exceptional and where’s your Commitment?
Tempus Maximize!
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