Polarity vs. Complexity

The opposing forces of Polarity and Complexity are incompatible. Discovering modern solutions to difficult problems, whether at the national or local level, requires shared purpose and collaboration. The same is true for the culture of a business, in order to thrive in today’s volatile operating environment. To solve complex problems requires alignment and nimble responses.
The paradox of 2020 is that there is more information available in real-time to more people, in more places, from more channels than ever before in the history of the world. Letters do not take weeks to cross the oceans and countryside; Tweets take only milliseconds. And yet a desire to interpret and understand that information seems to have disappeared. Mean-spirited responses are sent and walls are built. Why?
As more conflicting information bombards us, in various intrusive ways, there’s a tendency to only consume that which mirrors a certain chosen viewpoint, to the exclusion of all others. And that drives polarity even further apart to the point that opposites not only don’t attract, they actually repel. How can modern messaging defy the laws of nature?
I’m not equipped to answer the two big questions raised above, but I’m fortunate to have life experiences that include seeing how different people, with vastly different backgrounds and life experiences, can achieve remarkable results by working together toward a common goal. It’s humbling to witness and it begins with Mutual Respect, a value that is sadly lacking from many “virtual conversations”. Despite that fact that our national political camps have retreated to polarized outposts, most people I encounter don’t act that way toward one another. They care, they talk, they listen and they help one another.
Many great things have been accomplished in the past quarter millennium of human history, yet there is so much more to do and the stakes have never been higher. We need leaders, at all levels, to literally “level-up” and facilitate the difficult conversations that will result in solutions for a better tomorrow. It’s possible, but only if we open our hearts and minds to the possibilities — and then get to work.
Tempus Maximize!
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Jeremiah Williams
5 years agoBill, this perfectly summarizes the main issue with today’s “information age.” The absolute best thing we all can/need to do is to treat everyone around us with respect and dignity.
5 years agoJeremiah – Thanks for joining the conversation and for being a person who exemplifies respect and dignity.
All the best,