At The Summit

April 29, 2015


It is such a glorious moment when you make it to the top!  The ascent can be literal, as in climbing a mountain, but it can also be figurative in many aspects of life and business. Whatever the pursuit, climbing is hard work; not only do you need to move steadily and maintain your footing, you must defy gravity in the process.  So why bother?

You could have posed that question to Brian Martin a couple of years ago, when he decided he was going to pursue an Executive MBA from the University of Florida.  He already had a great job, leading the Florida region for his company, having come off a successful stint leading business development; his job kept him very busy and was more than enough to completely fill up each week.  On the personal front, he had a growing family, with a wonderful wife plus a 2 year old and a 4 year old.  What in the world would possess Brian to take on even more at such a busy time in his life?

Judging from the look on his face at graduation with a UF-MBA after an arduous two year journey of late nights studying and long classroom weekends, you can see and feel the sense of accomplishment radiate from him.  He decided to make the climb, driven by a commitment to sharpen his business skills.  And he made it to the top, while managing to fulfill his job responsibilities and still spending some quality time with his family.

The thing about making it to the top is that the moment and feeling are fleeting.  It’s awesome, but it doesn’t last nearly as long as the process required to get there. The feeling of accomplishment lasts just long enough to reinforce why you did it in the first place.  That’s usually enough of a reward to make the trip worth the effort.

Most wouldn’t choose to add more stress to an already busy and successful life.  But Brian, and others like him, are not content with how things look today.  They want to make their world, and their lives, more meaningful and contribute at a higher level.  So they find a way to accomplish what others don’t, or simply won’t. They set a lofty goal and relentlessly pursue it.  Satisfaction from small victories along the way keeps them going.

There’s one more thing that happens at the summit. The view becomes panoramic and you can see much farther than you’ve ever seen before.  Suddenly distant peaks come into view and expose new paths to follow on life’s journey.  Congratulations, Brian, on your success.  Enjoy your well-earned moment at the summit.  I can’t wait to see what’s next!


  • Christina

    10 years ago

    Congratulations Brian!!

  • Very impressive accomplishment Brian, way to go…

  • Natalia

    10 years ago

    Congratulations Brian….Well done!! 🙂

  • Congrats Brian! Awesome accomplishment!

  • chris w

    10 years ago


  • Congratulations Brian!

  • Alex Cato-Crier

    10 years ago

    Way to go BKM!

  • Katherine Hunt

    10 years ago

    Congratulations Brian!!!!!

  • Brian Martin

    10 years ago

    Thanks Bill! And thanks for your support and encouragement during the entire journey. On the way home from my very first “MBA weekend” almost two years ago, I actually did ask myself – what in the world am I thinking and what have I gotten myself into? The commencement speech included this very fitting quote from Nelson Mandela: “It always seems impossible until it’s done”. Well… it sure seemed impossible at times, but… it’s done but will never be forgotten.

  • Bryan Calhoun

    10 years ago

    Congratulations, BOOMER! You tha man!!!!

  • Andrew Plummer

    10 years ago

    How do you do the “Gator” chomp via keyboard? Impressive actually inspiring!

  • Great Job!
    Brian what an accomplishment, congrats!


  • Laure Hristov

    10 years ago

    Congratulations Brian!

  • Congrats, Brian! We knew you’d do it!!

  • Derek Ryan

    10 years ago

    Great job, man!!! Congrats!

  • Way to go Rojo!

  • What an accomplishment, Brian! Great job!

  • Bob - SW

    10 years ago

    Way to go you overachiever you.

  • Mike Munns

    10 years ago

    Nice job Brian! Way to go!

  • Michael Paradise

    10 years ago

    We all can only hope that our sons or daughters have half the drive and determination as him. ” GO NOLES “

  • Rod Marquardt

    10 years ago

    I’m very proud of my good friend Brian. Thank you for sharing this with everyone who reads your blog Bill. Congratulations to Brian. The effort and commitment he put into this pursuit are awe inspiring.

  • Jennifer Antelo Torres

    10 years ago

    Way to go Brian! Congratulations on this wonderful accomplishment! 🙂

  • Congratulations on this big accomplishment!

  • David G

    10 years ago

    Way to go, Brian and Karen! Well done and go gators!

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