Level Up!

February 18, 2019

This isn’t a new idea, but here’s a fresh angle to consider. Sure, you can approach tomorrow the same as today, next month the same as this one and next year, well, you get the idea. Then again, you can choose to continually “level up” and ultimately reach a higher level.

Is the extra focus really necessary? Will it really make a difference if you do, or you don’t? 50 years from now, will anyone remember what you did and how you did it? They just might…

To “level up” isn’t to say that you’re going to “leap up”. You could try that approach, but will quickly become exhausted because what you’re leaping for is out of reach based upon your current level of ability. To level up is to work your way up the ramp, steadily rising, ever higher, reaching platform after platform on the way to your goal. That’s doable, right? And it eventually enables you to climb far higher than you imagined was possible when you began.

The key here is to have the discipline, the dogged determination, to stick with an approach that will produce desired results over time. It’s the daily investment that you make in yourself, when no one but you is watching. Here’s one simple example: you decide that you want to become an “expert” on a particular topic, so that you can be more productive in your work. You might:

  • Watch a single You Tube video and pick up a nugget or two of new information; or
  • You could research the Top 10 books on the subject, download the first one on your Kindle app, and start reading:
    • Commit to reading “just” 10 pages per day, 6 days per week;
    • Highlight notes as you go;
    • By the time a year has gone by you’ll have consumed and digested the content from 3,120 pages of relevant information!

Which approach is most likely to move you closer to your stated goal?

By breaking down any long-term pursuit to the daily effort required to level up, you can define exactly the action required. Of course, what actually happens next is entirely up to you.

Tempus Maximize!

One Comment

  • […] Are you ready to take in the view from the next summit. If so, now is the time to Level Up! […]

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