From a Distance

December 4, 2014


What you can see from a distance reveals the form over the substance.  To view a large city from above is an entirely different experience from walking its streets.  If you want to understand how it all fits together, however, both views have value.  (It’s easy to understand why “Google Earth” is so popular!)

In the world of business, the same lessons hold true.  Regardless of your daily role (aka “your job”), it’s important to see what you do from a distance as well as up close and personal.  The daily work you produce gains context when you take the time to step back and see it as others do.

From a distance:

  • it becomes possible to see what other departments and team members contribute to the overall enterprise; 
  • you gain an appreciation for what your customers see; 
  • results are visible.

Up close and personal:
  • you can create your work, with a Vision in mind of what success looks like; 
  • essential collaboration occurs and relationships are built; 
  • details become visible.

Taking the time to periodically change your perspective is just as important as what you’re working on day-to-day.  Your daily efforts can then be seen as contributing to a greater good; that feeling makes all the difference if you want to truly enjoy, and not simply make, the journey!


  • Jim Sivils

    10 years ago

    That’s powerful information thanks for the reminder.

  • Micheal paradise

    10 years ago

    Very eye opening perspective,you opened my mind to a different point of view,very interesting

  • Laure Hristov

    10 years ago

    Great advice. Always good to take a step back and evaluate things from another perspective.

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