On Golden Pond

October 30, 2014


Everyone needs a quiet place, somewhere to reflect, relax and recharge.  While the World keeps spinning, you can hit the “pause” button here, even if for just a brief time.

Henry David Thoreau had Walden Pond.  You may have a remote place like that, but it really isn’t necessary to achieve the desired effect. Your own Golden Pond can be almost anywhere; it can be a front porch, garden, tree house, library, nature trail, church, roof top, park or even your car. It can be a pristine place full of natural beauty, or something quite ordinary. There are really no requirements regarding the place, except that it’s yours.

To become Golden, your place should enable you to escape the chaos of the day and simply think.  For most of us, it helps that such a place is quiet; but even that isn’t necessary for some. Sometimes the “white noise” of a place can provide just what’s needed to block out your surroundings and provide the solitude that you seek; airports can be like that.

Your Golden place may be solitary, but it could also be shared with family and friends. Sometimes more will be merrier, but other times you’re not looking for merriment. Sometimes you’re just looking for some room to think.  It’s important that you know what you need.

Wherever you find your own Golden Pond, you should be able to get in touch with your personal values there.  These provide essential context for our life experiences and the decisions we make. Ideally, you should feel your values being reinforced in this space.

Whatever you do, resist the temptation to give up your quiet time.  You can be sure that the demands of our busy world will be waiting for your return from Golden Pond, but you will be better-prepared to meet them and more successful as a result.

Enjoy the Journey!


  • Andrew Plummer

    10 years ago

    Best advice this year! Thanks.

  • Justine Walker

    10 years ago

    Very nice Bill, sometimes we forget all too often to slow down and reflect on how blessed we are in this life. Yoga works wonders for me!

  • Great advice, Bill. It’s funny how our “Golden Ponds” always seem to be the first thing sacrificed when the urgency of the day creeps in. It’s so important to be intentional about creating time alone to reinforce values and ask the “why”. Great post.

  • jim Sivils

    10 years ago

    Well said Bill
    I will be visiting one of my Golden Ponds Saturday.
    Perfect timing.

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