My Brain on Business

April 24, 2014
I spend lots of time thinking about business; that even includes occasionally dreaming about it.  The Art of Business absolutely fascinates me; I’m amazed at the power of what a talented group of people can accomplish by working together in an environment of mutual respect and trust.  That’s why I began writing cultivation(s) nearly two years ago, as a means for sharing my active thoughts and perspective on what’s required to grow a bountiful culture.

This is the 102nd cultivation(s) article I’ve been privileged to share with you; 99 of them flowed from my mind and special guest contributors generously provided 3 of them.  Now seemed like a good time to pause and reflect on that body of work and to see what it reveals.  To that end, I utilized a cool program that takes written content and generates “Word Patterns” or “Word Clouds”.  I enjoyed looking for images in clouds as a child, so I suppose that’s why this idea appealed to me as the grown-up edition.  Accompanying this article is my “Word Cloud” for cultivation(s); you can also think of it as a picture of “My Brain on Business”.  (I’ll admit I was relieved to see that it wasn’t blank or only contained one big word!)

In my typical way of studying details and looking for patterns in situations, this “word picture” revealed some key themes to me.  They fall rather neatly into four main categories:

  1. The BUSINESS itself.  For those of us who are employed, our primary daily activity involves working with and around others in a BUSINESS.  I was delighted to discover that in the middle are-

    >> Vision.  This essential element radiates from the epicenter and gives business life and direction.
    >> Customers.  Literally surrounding the BUSINESS are Clients, aka Customers, who make BUSINESS possible. 
    >> Conversation.  Internal and External conversations enhance the Culture, create Choice and build Relationships

  2. People. Purpose. Process.  In that order, these 3 Essential elements support BUSINESS on both sides.

  3. Experience.  Shared Experience stands the test of TIME and gives context to a Lasting Journey.  It takes time to get the formula right and enable healthy Growth.

  4. Value built on Values.  Surrounding the entire BUSINESS and supporting it along the very edges are the core 

Words like Positive, Understanding, Trust, Mission, Results, Remarkable, Best and Great all support the Mission. Perhaps most powerful among those, however, is to CARE. That simple word creates the renewable Energy to fuel SUCCESS.

So there you have it: My Brain on Business.  I’d love to hear what YOU think!


  • Company Formation Hong Kong

    8 years ago

    Thank you so much for caring about your content and your readers.

    • Bill Dellecker

      8 years ago

      Happy New Year 2017! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on this article. It’s hard to believe that 32 months have passed since writing this article and I’m still sharing content weekly!

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