Work Ethic

April 2, 2024

This past week I had the opportunity to engage with a group of aspiring young leaders in a workshop setting, affirming that it is not the “generation” according to year of birth that defines us. It’s Attitude that separates average from exceptional.

More specifically, attitude can be gauged through the work ethic of an individual and their collective team. As I listened to a fascinating range of personal stories, I discovered a common theme; all of these talented individuals have been actively working since their teenage years in one form or another. Their active attitude showed up in the form of motivation to engage in worthwhile work. And that unique attribute has propelled them forward in their early careers.

There’s another, somewhat less visible, element that is a crucial factor in engaging the hearts and minds of today’s workforce. That lies in the power of purpose, through finding meaning in the work beyond the immediate tasks at hand. This idea first crystallized for me a dozen or so years ago when I had the pleasure of hearing a visiting professor at the United States Air Force Academy speak about the up-and-coming leaders of today. He said something so impactful at the time that I wrote it down and I retrieved it from my notes to share with you now:

“Don’t let anyone tell you that this younger generation isn’t as good as those who came before them. They are very bright and easy to motivate, if they understand the Big Picture.”

~Commander Michael, USNA, Military Strategic Studies instructor

He hits the nail on the head! When you link a worthwhile purpose with a strong work ethic, great things happen. Work can be drudgery for some and inspirational for others. Our personal experience depends upon those with whom we choose to associate. And that is a choice with life-long leadership implications. Here is the central idea:

“True Growth Leaders who are able to consistently communicate an inspiring, worthwhile purpose and continually reinforce it will attract many highly motivated followers committed to achieving success.”

~Jim Welch, The Growth Leader Coach

We live in an increasingly fast and sometimes furious world that can consume our attention with negativity and polarized view points, but only if we allow it. From my perspective, our future is in caring and capable hands, based upon those I see stepping up to lead us forward.

Tempus Maximize!

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