Words We Choose

November 15, 2024

I’ve heard many words and competing sound bites over these past few weeks, some kind and many decidedly not.  But I have also heard two words, spoken over and over by children in front of our home during Halloween, that go straight to the heart.  These two powerful words — “Thank You” — are the foundational words of human connection and civility.  The words we choose to use matter.

We had literally thousands of “Trick or Treaters” visit our spooky home on Halloween.  All escaped safely and with a bit of chocolate as as a treat.  What we heard throughout the evening, however, confirmed our belief in the people who are “America” — the simple words “Thank You” were repeated more in a few hours than we have ever heard them.  And if the little goblins were too small or shy to speak them, we heard them from their parents or guardians.

Civility is Alive and Well!

Our Nation has been built in a most unique way, based upon learned lessons of the past and aspirations for the future.  Look around to appreciate the incredible diversity,  talent, and passion of who we are.  It is most definitely not easy, although it is absolutely worth the effort.

I have a belief that we are better when we take flight together, rather than when we choose to fight one another.  Trench Warfare is a zero sum game.

Our “Next Generation” sees the possibilities that many of us do not — the possibilities of Civility. Connection, Community & Commitment. Do you see them too?  And will you help us realize our potential?

Tempus Maximize!

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