When You Know…

December 27, 2012


There comes a moment when you know what you want to do with your life, or at least the part of it that lies right in front of you. That realization can come from something familiar or be inspired by something new; the inquisitive nature of a child perfectly illustrates the pure joy of such moments. In some cases, the result is like turning on a switch in your mind, which in turn begins a flow of positive thoughts leading to meaningful action.

For action to be meaningful, however, it must contribute to some higher purpose. That doesn’t mean the associated goals must be “lofty”, although they certainly can be. What it does mean is that the individual activities of each day are part of a greater plan that carry you forward toward your purpose, your true reason for performing the work in the first place.

As we approach the end of 2012 and are in the midst of the Holiday Season, now is the perfect time to pause and ponder your very personal answers to these three questions:

  • What first inspired you to do the work you’re doing now?
  • What’s your “higher purpose”? (Are you just mowing grass, or instead are you creating premier properties?)
  • How will you recapture the excitement of a child at Christmas in the activities you carry out daily?

The promise of 2013 lies right in front of you. My wish for you is that you’ll know what you want it to be and will pursue that with passion and purpose. 

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