Two Levels of Teamwork

November 4, 2016


​Most of us work on a team at one time or another, whether as team leader or member.  When it comes to functional teams, however, there are two distinct levels of teamwork and they produce radically different results.  I won’t discuss dysfunctional teams here, because we all know that’s not any place we want to be.

There are Cooperative Teams. The members here find a way to get along, to get the job done. You might hear things like:

  • We follow the rules.
  • Company policy must be adhered to, no matter what. .
  • We each do the tasks we are assigned.
  • Different people do different things, but we only worry about our own work.
  • It’s important to do it the way it’s always been done.  
  • We’ll ask a question if we must.
  • If someone asks for help, we’ll lend a hand when our own work is done.
  • When mistakes happen, we fix them.
  • We want to do a good job.
​A Cooperative team which operates this way might work in a competent company that states their purpose like this: Creating decent properties. Satisfying regular customers.

There are also Collaborative Teams. The members here value high levels of communication, with pride in performing exceptional work. In observing such a team, you will hear things like:

  • We understand the rules rules and follow them, because we helped develop them and know they are important. .
  • Company policy must be adapted to fit changing conditions.
  • We each perform our work in a way that complements the work of others.
  • Different people do the things that best fit their strengths, but we always consider how to optimize the end result.
  • It’s important to continually adapt and improve the way things are done.
  • We love asking questions, because that’s how we learn and improve together.
  • If someone asks for help, we figure out how and when we can be most helpful to them and our team.
  • When mistakes happen, we learn from them.
  • We take great pride in our work.
​A Collaborative team which thinks this way might work in an industry-leading company that states their purpose like this: Creating premier properties. Building lasting relationships.

Where do you want to work?  The cool thing is that every team member can make the choice to be one way or the other.  You have the power to decide. 

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