Turn the Page

December 30, 2014


As 2014 draws to a close, it’s time to turn the page into 2015.  Technically, you don’t need to do anything for this transition to occur.  The hours, minutes and seconds will naturally tick down to the moment when the illuminated globe in Times Square will drop and visually announce arrival of the New Year.  Some will already be asleep at this moment, while many others will celebrate, but either way the party will soon be over.  Some will wake up to just another day and others with a headache.

There is another way to turn the page into 2015.  Consider your life as a book with you as the author.  All of the chapters through 2014 are complete, so you know exactly how you got to this point in time.  2015 has yet to be written.

You can wait for someone else to initiate action that starts you down the path into the New Year; your personal and professional history can then be duly documented.  Or you can decide where you want your story to go from here and how you’d like for it to turn out.  You can proactively turn the page and start writing content for your life that is memorable and meaningful.

The decisions you make about 2015 shouldn’t be condensed to short-lived New Year’s resolutions.  We all know how most of those turn out; they fail because they are not linked to a broader purpose. Your 2015 story is part of a longer journey, one which is informed by the past but dependent upon your decisions in the present.

It’s time to turn the page.  What’s your story?  


  • Really enjoyed reading your post. This is a great time to reflect and chart some new courses. Thank you for sharing.
    Happy New Year to you Bill and family. Looking forward to great things in 2015

  • jim sivils

    10 years ago

    Well put Mr. Bill.
    As I tell my teenagers you can make your own choices but you cant choose your consequence’s so have a plan and make good choices

  • Thank you Bill!
    Happy New Year!

  • Great article. It’s definitely up to each one of us to set the path, no one will do it for you.

  • Laure Hristov

    10 years ago

    Looking forward to a fresh new start to the New Year! Always a very optimistic time, when you believe anything is possible. Plan on carrying that thought with me throughout the New Year.
    Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your family and my fellow associates at Austin Outdoor.

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