Traveling The Road To Excellence

June 11, 2012


In order to achieve our shared Vision and become THE Company of Choice, by creating Lasting Value for Clients, we must focus on continually improving, both individually and collectively.  “Excellence” is not a destination, but rather a journey to explore new ways of doing things,  thinking about the work we do and caring for our client relationships.  Achieving it is rarely captured in a single moment or activity, but is more often reflected in a body of work viewed over time.  Excellence begins with a conscious decision to improve.

Incremental, continuous improvement has the potential to create massive positive change.  If you commit yourself to find a way to be a little bit better this week than last, at almost anything, and sustain that effort over a period of time, the cumulative effect will be evident in one, three, nine months and significant next year compared to right now.  Done consistently across our company, the exponential potential of a thousand small things done better and multiplied together will be truly impressive.  Creating premier properties and building lasting relationships will occur and we will move toward our Vision.

I encourage you to identify what you will do to contribute to this process and to figure out how to make it a part of your daily life.  Just pick an area and start traveling the road to excellence.  If you’re really serious about it, write down what you’re doing and track your progress.  Enjoy the Journey!

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