Things BIG & small

November 23, 2016

​What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?  The answers for me are abundant but, as I reflected early today on this very question, they sorted themselves into things BIG and small.  I’ll share a few of the things that came to mind:
What struck me as I jotted down these lists is that it’s the small things that give context and meaning to the BIG THINGS.  Yet it’s those incredibly BIG THINGS that make it possible for us to experience everything else.

What BIG THING do you treasure most?  And what small thing provides the most joy in your life?  What will you do this Thanksgiving to make someone else thankful for you?   I’d love to hear from you.

Enjoy the Holiday…….and the Journey!


  • Ty Rentz

    8 years ago

    My biggest treasure is my Relationship with God…out of that everything flows!!! I’m blessed beyond human means! My greatest joy is directly related as I share what he’s done for me in many ways through leading worship at my church, teaching my children and others the value of life and God’s ways and that they still go together! It began last week as I attended an outreach to a Duval County Juvenille Detention Center to feed and bless these young men and tell them they are loved and have things to grateful for! Bill, Happy Thanksgiving! We are truly Blessed!

    • Ty-
      Your commitment to serving others is evident in all you do!
      Happy Thanksgiving!

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