The Seven P’s

April 2, 2015

Here they are:
  1. Proper
  2. Planning and
  3. Preparation
  4. Prevent
  5. Piss-
  6. Poor 
  7. Performance. 

The British Army is given credit for this powerful expression, but it was offered up just this week by one of our own talented financial analysts – in a Sales Training workshop of all places!  I think his version may have been the softened and more socially-acceptable Five P’s, but it got the point across: Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.  He made the right point at an important point in the session.

Proper Planning has great benefits in pursuits where you have control over the outcome, or at least can influence the direction of events.  It probably doesn’t matter a whole lot if you’re just playing the lottery, or pulling a slot machine handle, but otherwise it’s worth considering.

The thing that I really like about the original, unabridged version of the military Seven P’s are those two extra words:

  • Preparation. Getting ready to execute the plan is every bit as important as crafting it.  Your degree of preparation will have the greatest impact on the result. An average plan with superior preparation will smooth rough edges and likely produce a reasonable result.  A superior plan with inadequate preparation can be expected to produce weak, even disastrous, results.
  • Piss-poor” may sound crude, but it leaves no doubt regarding the outcome when both Proper Planning and Preparation are overlooked. None of us want to be showered by that most unpleasant result!

If you desire superior results in any worthwhile pursuit, investing the required effort into Proper Planning and Preparation are the two most important things you can do before you launch.  Consider my recast version of Six P’s:
  1. Proper
  2. Planning and
  3. Preparation
  4. Promote
  5. Peak
  6. Performance!

I like the positive spin of this version, but they each make the point.  So, pick your number: Five, Six or Seven.  Then choose your result.  Enjoy the journey!


  • Alex Cato-Crier

    10 years ago

    Great article Bill! I really like the Six P’s that put a positive spin on the original.

    • You were the inspiration, Alex! Thanks for engaging in the conversation, which enhanced the Planning and Preparation that was taking place.

  • Kyle Johnson

    10 years ago

    I really appreciate this article, thank you Bill.
    I especially appreciate how it relates to safety, I’m going to plan my next safety meeting on applying the 6 P’s.
    How our Proper Planning and Preparation to work safe Promotes Peak Performance.

    • Kyle-
      Thanks for the comment and feedback on how you will make the 6 P’s your own. Safety is the #1 place to start!

  • Marina Lee

    10 years ago

    and a as result – “Provides Profit and Pride!” 🙂

  • Laure Hristov

    10 years ago

    Reminds me of the saying, Plan Your Work and Work the Plan!
    Thanks Alex and Bill for the insight.

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