The Power of WOW!

July 2, 2015


I recently enjoyed an engaging conversation with a branch manager about a wide range of business topics, including building client relationships. He told me that “we only get one chance to do WOW!” and I think he’s right.

This statement is a much more powerful expression of the phrase “You only get one chance to make a first impression” because it reveals the type of positive impression that goes beyond working in a purely transactional relationship.  “WOW!” is all about surprise and delight, not just delivering what was expected. It’s also about creating an experience that is remembered and, ideally, shared with others.

The beginning of a new business relationship, or the transition of an existing relationship to a new person, brings with it a chance to create something special. The surprise of “WOW!” must be followed by consistency of service in order to build a reputation, but it sure gets things off to a great start. It tells the beneficiary that you care about them in a genuine way and sets you apart from the pack. .

To harness the power of “WOW!” doesn’t require permission, position or a capital investment. It does require a genuine sense of caring and commitment.

The power of “WOW!” is infectious.  When individuals create it, other team members see the effect.  When entire teams engage and approach their work with this attitude, everyone gets better and the business thrives. It’s as simple, and as difficult, as that!

When was the last time you experienced the power of “WOW!”, either on the giving or receiving end?  How did that make you feel?  


  • Ken Catalano

    10 years ago

    We certainly only get one chance to really WOW a client. Great article!

  • Michael Paradise

    10 years ago

    Hello Bill. I feel that way everyday i go to work. We want to see each other succeed in everything we do. There is no individual motives in what we do as a team. That ultimately results in how we present ourselves to our clients. If we don’t have a closeness with the people you work with and become a team. Then we are out there trying to do it by ourselves and as in life you can only go so far by yourself. We are only as good as the people around us. Your the man Bill.

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