The Gift That Keeps On Giving!

December 20, 2013


The Holiday Season is considered a time for giving gifts, as a way of expressing thanks and appreciation for others. Often those gifts are material, temporary things, without lasting value. Other times, they hold deeper, longer-lasting meaning.

We don’t always recognize those “gifts” that are in our plain view every day, however, but they are the ones that ultimately mean the most. I had an opportunity earlier this week to witness such gifts in person at our Jacksonville branch. The team there is energized with the unified purpose of producing exceptional quality, while exceeding expectations at every turn. They are competent and they care; they give freely of their time and talent to one another and to the clients they serve. They exemplify the Gift That Keeps on Giving!

What’s extra special is that such gift-givers don’t wait for a holiday to give them. They freely give of their gifts every day, in myriad ways.  The result is cumulative and powerful; these gifts breed goodwill and produce lasting relationships.  In business as in life, the benefits are far-reaching and they return value to the giver as well as the recipient. As this team joined together to celebrate their gifts, the Magic of the Season magnified their power and reinforced their value.

I felt enriched by simply being around the enthusiastic and positive “gift-giving” atmosphere. And you can bet that clients feel the same way too.

Each of us has within us the potential to be the Gift That Keeps on Giving. Wishing you and yours a blessed Holiday Season!

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