Talent Multiplied

This week was another one of those mind-expanding experiences that occurs when you get off the front porch and go explore. I met many new team members who, as they introduced themselves, revealed their years of experience doing what they do so well. Ten, twenty, thirty or more was a common theme that matched obvious passion for their chosen careers.
Many organizations track “tenure”, merely measuring how long a person has remained with the organization. I think that statistic sells short the concept, because it isn’t the years that matter; it’s the experience and knowledge gained over time —and how it is applied — that matters. I’ve witnessed the power of Exponential Potential on a personal level.
What happens at a broader team, company, or enterprise level when talent comes together and shares their experience and knowledge?
The collective power of talent multiplied eclipses all other forces and creates unstoppable momentum for an organization.
Their output is Best Thinking, which transforms people, processes and outcomes:
- People grow when exposed to complementary talent. Fresh perspectives and unique strengths change how we see ourselves and engage with the word around us.
- Processes improve through “aha moments” that reveal better ways to get things done. Deliberately putting those better ways to work though extensive training and practice results in “LEAN” thinking that both speeds up work flow and improves quality. To quote the Navy Seals: “Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.”
- When the focus is placed on People and Processes, resulting Outcomes are elevated.
Talent multiplied, engaged in a worthwhile shared purpose, can transform entire industries.
Tempus Maximize!