Spring Leadership

March 25, 2023

It’s that magical time of year when Nature comes back to life, heralding Spring with a kaleidoscope of color!  To witness it unfold is good for the soul.  The same can be said for Spring Leadership.

Leadership can lie dormant within us, waiting for the right conditions to spring forth.  Each of us possess the ability to create those conditions.

Leadership is not a position or a vested title; neither is leadership apparent authority.  Genuine leadership is a state of mind and conscious actions toward worthy goals.

Inward reflection is where leadership begins, because to “Know Thyself” is a precondition to become Leadership Worthy. Leadership can emerge any time and is not dependent upon being asked or assigned to lead.

Let’s consider three powerful methods which stimulate spring leadership to emerge:

  • Leadership with Caring is about and for others.  The act of caring is a first step toward building relationships with others and, ultimately, trust.  All of us can practice Leadership with Caring as a matter of choice.  Those first steps can lead to exponential outcomes when followed by continued steps.
  • Leadership by Best Thinking is another dimension available to anyone on any team.  There’s always another possibility, a different and perhaps better way, to approach a situation.  To think it but not say it isn’t leadership; to openly share fresh options is the essence of spring leadership.
  • Leadership through Positive Actions is a most visible way to contribute, regardless of role or situation.  A person can lead by maintaining a positive focus on those things which can be controlled, while setting aside those that cannot, followed by choosing to step up first and actively contribute.

There are certainly myriad skills that a leader can learn and continually sharpen but spring leadership can emerge at any time through the power these three methods.  Make your Decision to Act!

Tempus Maximize!

One Comment

  • Ben Boyd

    2 years ago


    I have read your thoughts in this post several times. I have taken the sum of your advice & made a “Decision to Act.” When I read “Leadership With Caring,” & combined it with “Leadership Through Positive Actions” a particular team member came to mind. That person does not report directly to me, but your words have motivated me to set up an appointment with this individual & attempt to provide some guidance I believe will be helpful.

    I needed your “nudge.” I am so thankful for your leadership example!

    Thank you so much…….


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