Social Relating

April 5, 2020

We are social creatures, so the required “Social Distancing” can feel like being sentenced to solitary confinement.  Yet our opportunity for “Social Relating” is actually greater than ever before in human history.  Present circumstances ultimately become what we make of them.

In the past couple of weeks I’ve reconnected with dear friends from prior lives out of the blue, in ways I never could have imagined a few short years ago; I suspect you have too.  When we pause to think about what matters most, it is always those people who have changed us, those who have helped us become better versions of ourselves, that we remember.  And, somehow, when we reconnect it’s as though we pick things up where we left off.

There’s always social media, but that often involves social drama.  And who needs that right now?  But that same resource can help us reconnect and begin social relating again.

Phone calls are easy to make and instantly bridge the gap.  And new video-conferencing tools like “Zoom” and “FaceTime” are game-changers!  Social relating has never been easier at a time where social distancing has increased.  Distance does not need to equal isolation.

Now more than ever, we need social relating to validate our existence.  And we absolutely require it to solve the problems in front of us.  The reality is that we are Better Together and social relating is the bond that unites us.

We are Resilient and our Social Relating skills will prove that to be true.

Tempus Maximize!


  • Great word Bill

  • Thanks for your comment, Ken. Take good care!

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