See Farther

September 29, 2016


Sometimes a break from the action is just what’s needed.  During the past week, I explored parts of “The Land of Enchantment”, otherwise known as New Mexico.  A favorite vista was found at a spot with an elevation over 11,000 feet, near Taos.  The summit of Wheeler Peak reaches just over 13,000 feet, the highest point in New Mexico.  For a Florida flat-lander like me, that’s getting up there.

Aside from the fact that it’s hard to catch your breath at that altitude, what I saw illuminated in the late afternoon sun more than compensated for any minor discomfort I felt.  As I paused and gazed toward the horizon, I could see farther that I ever imagined was possible.  From one spot on a mountain, it felt like the entire world stretched in front of me.  What would it require to get from here, all the way to there?

In our day to day work, the tendency can be to face head-down, concentrating intently on the task at hand. Truly, such discipline is necessary for us to produce our best work.  When not doing that, however, an entire generation also spends a massive amount of time gazing into the screen of a “smart phone”.  It’s too easy to forget that there’s so much opportunity in front of us, if only we will look up and around to seek it out.  Nature offers us that possibility, gift-wrapped as New Mexico. Light, colors, textures and wide-open vistas reminded me of the infinite possibilities at every turn; the rugged terrain also makes it clear that travel is not without effort and that she won’t easily reveal her secrets.

When we talk about the “Vision” of a business, the point is to see farther than the work right in front of us. The objective is to imagine the possibilities of what can be achieved together, if only we’ll make the effort to climb a bit higher than is comfortable and explore the possibilities.

See farther and……Enjoy the Journey!



  • Lisa Hall

    8 years ago

    Bill, thank you for sharing your amazing photos and reminding us that there is so much more to see if only we look up!

  • Andrew Plummer

    8 years ago

    Good morning Bill,
    Not sure if you could or did see us, in our blue convertible mustang rental last week as my youngest Miranda and I escape the confines of Lincoln where she is a freshman at UNL. Though I could not agree more, few things broadens one’s horizons, and enhances ones focus than a combination of new natural beauty and travel.
    Thank you for your insights and gentle reminder to pause occasionally and reflect.

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