
October 13, 2016


​It requires a lifetime to earn, yet only takes a moment to lose.  It is the most fragile human quality.  Yet Respect is the essential ingredient upon which Confidence, Trust and Leadership are built.

Whether you’re operating in a small work group, a branch, a region, a company, or as an integral part of another community, Respect should be at the top of your list.  Strong organizations depend upon Respect as cement between the layers; countries require this quality in their leaders if they are to survive, and thrive, over time.

All of us have an image of someone we Respect in our hearts and minds.  Who do you Respect?  My father taught me what the word means; his wasn’t a dictionary definition, but instead it was a life lesson.  I watched, listened and learned that Respect is measured by:

  • How you treat others who can do nothing for you.
  • The time you spend listening intently to others.
  • Your willingness to consider other points of view.
  • Whether you see others as a means to an end, or the purpose of your efforts.
  • Those who are vulnerable, yet carefully protected.
  • What you say about, or do to, others when you are not in the camera’s eye.
  • Being a Sheep Dog, not a Wolf.

Our lives and our work create value when we show Respect for others and thereby…….Enjoy the Journey!


  • Well said, Bill. The words within speak for themselves.

  • Bryan Calhoun

    8 years ago

    I respect Bill Dellecker!!! Great article. The most striking sentence in the entire article is the first one….”It requires a lifetime to EARN, yet only takes a moment to LOSE”. So true on so many different levels.

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