Ready to GO!

October 16, 2022

To be Leadership Worthy is to be ready to go, when the time is right.  To the casual observer, that readiness may not stand out or impress.  For the knowing observer who understands what such a state of readiness requires, however, they will view it as an early indicator of potential success.

To illustrate this concept, I’ve chosen a tranquil image of working lobster boats at rest in a protected cove on an idyllic fall afternoon in Maine.  It all looks so peaceful, so quiet, so natural and so orderly.  Yet what came before to create this very scene was quite purposeful, active and extremely thoughtful.

These boats had returned only a short time before I snapped the picture, from a full day of work offshore that began long before most roll over in bed and think about their first sip of coffee.  The lobster boat crews hauled in and unloaded the day’s catch, cleaned the boats, readied traps, lines and gear for the next day, refueled and checked all systems; then they anchored up in their pre-determined spot and made their way back to shore in a dingy.  The entire performance is like a symphony orchestra, performed in sync and produced in parts.  The captain of the lobster boat, the ultimate leader of that crew, knows first-hand the importance of what it means to be ready to go.

I’ve witnessed such scenes through the years in varied business settings, including farming operations, utility crews and countless landscape operations.  While their sense of order and readiness may not look as picturesque as boats at rest in a cove, the elements to get ready for work are much the same.  You can tell a great deal about the performance of any commercial enterprise by merely visiting the “yard” where the equipment is readied and stored off-duty.

Being ready to go begins with the right people, who share a worthwhile purpose and pay attention to the details, always. Those pillar of leadership performance make everything else possible and whatever is accomplished, better for all involved. .

Detail and a sense of order are not simple to achieve, yet they are elegant to perceive.  Are your operations ready to go?

Tempus Maximize!

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