Push the Envelope

April 30, 2019

There it was in all its ominous glory — SR-71 Blackbird— on display at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.  My son and I stood in awe of the most extreme jet to fly at epic speeds and seemingly impossible altitudes.  This aircraft and its pilots literally defined what it means to “push the envelope”.

Very few of us will ever get to pilot an aircraft that can travel three and a half times the speed of sound, or hitch a ride in one. Yet all of us can push the envelope in our own realm and in our own way, if we choose to do so. 

In the world of work, there are the many who show up with the goal to merely make it through the day. And there are those who continually push the envelope — to be more, to do more, to reach higher each day.  The astounding technological progress we’ve experienced in recent years is a testament to what’s possible.

We can accept the status quo, or we can choose to push the envelope. The first approach may feel comfortable in the short term, but that path quickly comes to a dead end. The other can make us feel uncertain and downright uncomfortable at times; it often results in momentary setbacks that may feel like lasting failure. Through clear focus, consistent effort and relentless action, however, we can climb higher and go faster.  We can experience moments of exhilaration at something accomplished in an exceptional manner.  We too can push the envelope.

Working on everything, all at once, dilutes effort to the point of ineffectiveness. Defining the few things with the greatest potential for advancement, and focusing energy daily on those, can have massive cumulative impact over time. The edges of that envelope push further out than ever seemed possible.

Whether you design or help build a product, or deliver a service, you have the ability to make it better.  You possess the talent to push the envelope.

Tempus Maximize!

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