People Power

June 6, 2013


The fuel that drives business is People: capable, focused, motivated and well-equipped people.

I’ve spent the last couple of days with the most remarkable group of people that I’ve ever had the privilege to lead and to serve. Our branch management and business development professionals came together to explore ways to grow our business and make it more valuable for clients, employees and other stakeholders.

There were plenty of tactical improvements we explored but, most importantly,
we uncovered novel approaches that will improve the quality of dialogue with our clients. Backed by an absolute commitment to creating premier properties and building lasting relationships, and equipped with some new ideas, our team has intensified drive to be the very best in the business.

I learned a long time ago that it all begins with the Right People — “First Who”. That subject was the topic of last week’s enlightened guest post. With the right people on board, the focus turns to the tools and the approach they utilize in fulfilling their mission — “Next How”. That has been at the center of this week’s exploration. Finally, the mission is carried out consistently and in keeping with a proven approach — “Then What”.

Becoming the company of choice for clients doesn’t come easily. With the required Focus, Discipline, Action and Evaluation, however, success will surely come. 

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