October 19, 2020

Trust is the strongest, and also the most fragile, link between human relationships.

“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”
~ Stephen Covey

Being trusted is an outcome from a set of principled behaviors applied consistently over time. Trust can neither be bought nor hurried. As links are added, trust lengthens the chain and tempers the metal.

Pulled taut, a chain can sustain a remarkable level of resistance. If twisted, jerked or damaged in a critical spot, a fissure can appear and the link is suddenly and dramatically weakened. Under continued pressure, it will pull apart and may also snap, with the resulting chain reaction creating collateral damage. It is difficult and often impossible to restore original strength; even when repaired, trust will be diminished and no longer look the same.

When coupled with a focus On Being HUMAN, On Being EXCEPTIONAL, On Being ACCOUNTABLE and On Being RESPECTFUL, the prospects for Being Trusted emerge and strengthen. Leadership and True Success  depend upon it.

Tempus Maximize!

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