To Show Respect is to Earn Respect. This fundamental principle is at the center of building meaningful relationships that enhance our own life and the lives of others.
“If once you forfeit the confidence of your fellow-citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem.”
~Abraham Lincoln
Being Respectful is much more than being merely tolerant; it conveys an attitude of positive acceptance, freely given, that reflects honest appreciation for another person or group of people. It is reflected through actions that honor others.
The related expression of civility is gracious, polite and necessary for societies to function. Civility Enhances Performance because it conveys both understanding and acceptance. When it appears as the true manifestation of a respectful outlook, civility projects genuine caring; it is an empathetic form of respect. If civility extends no further than tolerant politeness or general sympathy, it falls short of its potential for positive change. Humans can absolutely feel the difference.
The time-honored principle of The Golden Rule illustrates these concepts in gleaming fashion. By treating others as you would like to be treated, respect is shown and ultimately earned. The former must precede the latter.
We don’t have to look very far to see what disrespect looks like, to hear how it sounds and to know how it feels. It is within each of us to make choices that contribute to a Civil and Respectful society.
Tempus Maximize!
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Ben Boyd
4 years agoBill,
This wise reminder about earning & maintaining respect causes me to remember a significant lesson I learned years ago. Meaningful respect is something that usually takes quite a long time & hard work to establish. However, unlike how long it may take to build respect, it can be lost almost instantly if we are not careful.
I am thankful to be in the company of people at Signature & Heartland who agree being respectful is a worthy guiding principle, & having the honor of receiving respect from others is something to treasure, & continue to strive to be worthy of.
Thank you,
4 years agoI agree, Ben. Mutual Respect is a Golden Treasure. Thank you for being such a shining example as you live and lead!
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