On Being HUMAN

September 20, 2020

There’s the noun, of course, which refers to us as Human Beings. But the power of the word lies in its fuller meaning and how it describes us:

HUMAN [ hyoo-muhn or, often, yoo‐ ]
 of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or having the nature of people: human frailty.
 consisting of people: the human race.
 of or relating to the social aspect of people: human affairs.
 sympathetic; humane: a warmly human understanding.


To be human is to recognize that life is fragile and, no matter how physically strong and intellectually powerful we may be in one moment, our situation can be forever altered in the blink of an eye. There’s a further recognition that we display weakness at times, despite what may be our best intentions, and many decisions we make or actions we take are less beneficial than they could be.

We are one human race and yet no two of us are the same. The complexities of this reality create infinite possibilities: some very good, some neutral, and some decidedly detrimental. We are both power and weakness rolled into one.

When it comes to interacting with one another, things get really interesting. We are individuals and yet most of us belong to communities, starting with the most basic family unit. From there, we can be part of tribes, schools, religious communities, businesses, political groups, fan clubs and organizations of every imaginable sort. Our participation in these communities defines us, as we define them. Ultimately, we become like the company we keep.

The most elusive trait, and I believe the most valuable one, is our unique human capacity for understanding and acceptance. It’s more than “sympathy”, however, that sets us apart; the highest form of human understanding is “empathy” — our ability to focus and attempt to see a situation from another’s perspective. This can prove to be difficult work but is worth the effort, because it is only through understanding that we can cultivate connection and improve the human condition. Understanding is not the same as agreement, and does not need to be, but is fundamental to making progress.

We are all together and apart, for and against, with and distant from, aligned and opposed, loved and hated, yet the same and uniquely different. The journey in our time together will be what we make it.

Tempus Maximize!


  • Leah Klooster

    4 years ago

    Well said! A great reminder to strive to understand others’ perspectives.

  • Ty Rentz

    4 years ago

    Always receive a nugget from your writings….you are missed here! Hoping all is well and as we trudge along…happy trails!

    • Ty, it is always a pleasure to hear from you. All is well here and wish the same for you and yours!

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