Next Summit

July 16, 2022

There comes a time when you have a pivotal decision to make:

  • Will you settle for the status quo? You can keep doing the same things and realizing the same results.  It’s the path of least resistance.  And it may even feel safer, in the moment.
  • Or will you break camp and hike onward and upward to the Next Summit?  This will require you to change some things, in order to achieve better outcomes.  The path is full of obstacles to overcome.  And it may make you uneasy, in the moment.

Some time ago I explored the difference between the Next, or Higher, level. The distinction is important, since the central idea is to continue moving both onward and upward!  Presuming you’re focused on moving higher, that decision will change the entire trajectory of your life.  It will also govern the quality of your life experiences along the way.  Should you choose to march on toward the next summit, there are three critical questions to think deeply about and answer before you embark on that journey:

  1. Am I ready to Level Up and do I have a Vision for what success looks like?

This is the first step in the upward journey, because you won’t get very far if you aren’t resolved to the importance and don’t appreciate the value.  It’s going to take more than your hands and feet; the journey must engage your heart and mind.

  1. Am I truly committed to doing the work, to paying the price, to reach the next summit?

Most New Year’s resolutions fail because there is no genuine commitment to achieving the result and no real plan to get there.  Your ability to level up requires understanding of and commitment to a plan.  The plan must be specific, trackable and clearly outline the actions required to move forward — and to press through inevitable challenges when the going gets tough.

  1. Are there others I can count on, and who can count on me, to provide resources and effort to lighten the load, while creating mutual accountability?

None of us is as capable as a group of us who are committed to the same worthy cause. Complementary strengths will provide resources to first figure out, and then overcome, obstacles along the way. Plus a worthwhile journey is more notable when shared with others!

Are you ready to take in the view from the next summit. If so, now is the time to Level Up!

Tempus Maximize!

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