Next Big Thing

October 5, 2022

What to do when the current Big Thing, the one you’ve been working on for years, is finally “shipped”? It’s finally out there for the world to love it, dislike it, or ignore it as each person prefers.

How does one overcome the ‘Resistance’, as Steven Pressfield so eloquently explains it, and move forward to the Next Big Thing. I’m not quite sure, but I’m about to find out. After all, this life is a journey and it only moves in one direction.

I’ve spent a good chunk of my lifetime getting to this point. And, oh my, what lessons I have had the opportunity to learn. I never imagined where I’d be today, writing to you in this virtual space, but here we are. Interestingly and seemingly impossibly it has been my nearly weekly musings for the past ten years that enabled me to finally craft Leadership Worthy – How leaders Are Made for you…

I truly hope that this book resonates deeply with many of you. If my insights offer one thing that somehow enhances your own journey, by helping you understand and guide it, or avoid mistakes I’ve experienced, or perhaps leverage a thing or two that helped propel the businesses which I’ve been gifted the opportunity to lead, then that mission will have been accomplished. Know that Leadership Worthy has been a labor of love for you, those known and yet unknown to me. Please take what I’ve offered and Maximize the Moment in your own personal and powerful way!

This first book of mine may be the last, or it may merely be the first. Time will tell. For the moment, I’ll reflect on all you have taught me about life and leadership; that will equip me to tackle the next big thing, whatever it may be.

Thank you for traveling the long and winding road with me. The next big thing is certain to be exciting!

Tempus Maximize!

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