
December 29, 2020

The unpredictable and traumatic events of the past 12 months possess a dominant theme:

2020 – What will happen Next?

That looming question has brought uncertainty, anxiety, fear and suffering to many. For some, it has also prompted a laser focus to what can be done right here and now, considering the current circumstances. The healthy shift of letting go of the things we cannot control has resulted in progress despite adversity. (There are countless examples, some large and myriad small, but the creation of multiple vaccines in record time to prevent COVID-19 stands as an epic human achievement.)

As our thoughts turn to the prospects for a brighter New Year, while closing the books on a year we are happy to see end, there isn’t going to be an immediate or miraculous change to celebrate from the mere flip of the calendar page. Yet experience has created the opportunity to establish a fresh theme for the year that awaits:

2021 — What will we do Next?

That subtle shift in phrasing is accompanied by a change in outlook to one of expectation, hope and possibility. It has everything to do with how we will navigate to better days and an Adapted Normal for daily living. We cannot undo what has happened, but we always have the choice of what we will do next.

Tempus Maximize!


  • Jeanean Mitchell

    4 years ago

    I really like cannot undo what was done in the past. A lesson and message I am getting repeatedly.

    • Bill_Dellecker

      4 years ago

      Happy New Year, Jeanean, and welcome to what’s Next!

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