Maximize the Moment

April 4, 2017
We have perfect clarity on the past, if we choose to see it. We have no way to know what awaits us just ahead, whether or not we are ready for it. So make your plans, because you may need them, but always maximize the moment. The “here and now” is where we build relationships and create value. I’ve understood this intuitively for quite some time, but truly learned how this looks in action through observing the very active and purposeful life of my youngest son.

Each new day provides us with a fresh opportunity to use it, or lose it. There are no “mulligans” in real life; there isn’t a time machine that will take you back for another try. Tomorrow may offer another chance, perhaps, but there’s no assurance of that. Today and in this very moment is the only place we can take action.

Leading a life of purpose doesn’t happen by accident; it happens through a series of conscious decisions and corresponding actions taken over time. My dear friend John Spence captured it this way, by citing a passage from a book he recently read: “Decisions Determine Destiny.” It all comes down to the choices we make. So, what choices will enable us to “Enjoy the Journey!” as I’ve consistently encouraged through my regular cultivation(s) articles?

To Maximize the Moment is to appreciate the joyful little things each day offers as we go about our business of living life and includes such traits as: truly “being there” in the moment for others; listening; smiling; observing; studying; laughing; focusing intently on the task at hand; exploring; doing worthwhile work and then pausing briefly to appreciate it; “remembering your why”; showing kindness to animals; and spending quality time with family, friends and others who make you better. These are the collective moments that define a successful day. Over time, they paint the canvas of a life well-lived.

If you genuinely want to enjoy the journey, Maximize the Moment!

Tempus Maximize!


Photo credit: Angela B. Pan Photography


  • Joseph Giordano

    8 years ago

    I first read this on LinkedIn and have since read it two more times. Your words are very inspirational. I’ve been seeing things in my life from this perspective lately and couldn’t agree more. I’ve shared this article with my family and friends. God bless you and your family.

    • Thanks, Joey, for joining the conversation. Make each day matter.

  • Phyllis Linfante

    8 years ago

    Very inspirational words. I enjoyed reading them.

  • Evan C.

    8 years ago

    Inspirational words to live by. I hope we all can be lucky enough to live a life of maximization

    • Hello, Evan. For each of us, it’s a choice. It’s sometimes difficult, but always possible.

  • Angela P

    8 years ago

    Words to remember. Thank you so much, Bill.

    • Angela, your striking image of the Air Force Memorial is an uplifting and inspirational reminder of what’s possible. Thank you for sharing it.

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