Life Lessons

Yesterday was one of reflection. It revolved around the active and extremely purposeful life of my youngest son, who tragically left this life in 2017 but who taught me the most important life lessons of all. A dozen years ago, upon his graduation from the United States Air Force Academy, I asked if he’d like to write an article for my cultivations blog, which I had then been producing for about a year.
I was working in the same industry as now but in another business which provided rich experiences and life lessons that inspired what became possible when I joined HeartLand eight years ago.
But back to my son, who accepted my offer and wrote the following article, which I’ll share with you now:
It’s All About the People [Guest Post]
“When my father asked me if I would consider writing a guest article for his cultivations blog, my first thought was to wonder how I could possibly provide insight to an organization composed of landscape professionals committed to creating premier properties and building lasting relationships. I came to a realization in preparing to humbly accept the honor of serving our country as a commissioned officer in the United States Air Force; this simple fact should resonate with any organization, whether civilian or military: It’s all about the people.
Many people invested a significant amount of their time and energy to help me gain acceptance into the United States Air Force Academy four years ago. The support structure I gained when I committed myself to this goal was truly amazing; I learned important lessons about the inherent desire within people to help others and make a difference. We can all reflect on our lives and identify a core group of people who have made a positive impact. The following quote by Sir Isaac Newton properly recognizes the importance of the people that play such an important role in our life’s course:
“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.”
While I learned about the importance of surrounding myself with the right people at an individual level, attending the Air Force academy has broadened my belief in the importance of seeking out quality individuals on an even broader scale.
My experiences at the Air Force Academy have provided insights on how having the right people working together for a common mission can make an organization or institution truly special.
Recruiting the right people optimizes the potential for any organization; it makes the classrooms at the Air Force Academy more than simply classrooms and the branches at Austin Outdoor more than simply office locations.
I have witnessed the deliverance of quality when an organization commits itself to a standard of excellence, since I have grown up visiting and enjoying many properties that Austin Outdoor landscapes and maintains. I am certain that the quality of work that differentiates Austin Outdoor from its competitors can be traced to the culture that exists across its branches and among its personnel.
Similarly, as I prepare to graduate and reflect on my time at the Air Force Academy, I can attribute my incredible experience to the vibrant culture that has been developed throughout its history. Simply put, the people we choose to include in our lives and in our organizations determine the difference between just meeting the status quo or exceeding the expected standard and achieving truly remarkable results.”
Drew was wise beyond his years……
Fast forward to this week, when I was working with an exceptional group of about seventy team members, exploring what is possible for HeartLand to accomplish on the journey ahead. As I looked around the room, I was awed and inspired by the talent and energy surrounding me. Which brought me back to the last sentence of Drew’s post and the most important life lesson of all:
Simply put, the people we choose to include in our lives and in our organizations determine the difference between just meeting the status quo or exceeding the expected standard and achieving truly remarkable results.
If you’d like to read the original message and discover others about cultivating a vibrant culture, please visit my blog at For life lessons in leadership which I share in my book, Leadership Worthy – How Leaders Are Made, I also invite you to visit
Tempus Maximize!