Humble Pride

Is there such a thing? Or do those two words compose the ultimate oxymoron?
I’ll express my belief in this space, and wherever else you may meet me, that these powerful human qualities can coexist and, in fact, they increase in strength when thoughtfully combined.
Humility is an increasingly rare trait in our times, one that enables some to suppress their own natural feelings in favor of respecting those around them.
Some may call that submission, or even weakness. In situations where the person possesses quiet the confidence of their own experience and convictions, however, I call it strength. Once you know yourself, you can maintain a calm state when all around you is in chaos. This is possible because you don’t require being the center of attention.
True humility exudes kindness but it must never be confused with weakness.
Then there is Pride. The type of pride that comes to mind for many is often referred to as “hubris”, the sort of vain arrogance that creates interpersonal barriers, dislike, outright animosity and, ultimately, downfall.
Pride also comes in a much deeper and positive form that, in the right person. will take root and be expressed in empowering ways.
A treasured friend wrote a guest article about this dynamic several years ago in this very space; I invite you to reflect deeply on what he has to say about pride here:Two Ways of Looking at “Pride” [Guest Post]
I had a fortunate and unique opportunity this week to hear a young leader speak to his team about these two elements in unison. He spoke of the parental lessons that taught him to remain humble and avoid being center stage, yet he now finds himself in that very spotlight He then spoke of his pride for the team’s accomplishments and what they must be feeling as well. And he proposed that the two could coexist within team members, by avoiding arrogant claims of superiority while sustaining a deep belief in the capability of team members. Isn’t that where true success resonates?
We witness these elements, or lack thereof, played out in sports frequently; it’s the stuff of locker room clippings pinned on the bulletin baord, although we seldom hear about them expressed in a business setting. It was a joy for me to see this leader “connect the dots” and live the premise of Humble Pride. It just so happens that his business is performing at the top of their game, not just in their local market, but across the larger organization of which they are a vibrant part. Why and how is this possible?
To be Leadership Worthy is to set the standard and accept the responsibility, while deferring the credit to those who actually did the work. It is amazing what becomes possible when you are not concerned with who gets the credit. Humble pride will carry the day and the team wins.
Tempus Maximize!