
May 27, 2016


A person must first demonstrate Honor through integrity in actions big and small, in order to ultimately receive it in return.  To consistently Honor is to build Trust; lasting relationships depend upon it.  It’s hard to earn, but even harder to recover. 

In the context of work, do your clients and coworkers regard you as fair in your dealings with them?  Do your actions demonstrate a commitment to doing the right thing, regardless of the circumstances?  In the simplest sense, do you honor your agreements and commitments?  All of the time, or just when it’s convenient?

Our military veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice deserve Honor and our deepest appreciation.  But Honor isn’t simply a lofty term reserved for military heroes.  It’s absolute and available to each of us. You demonstrate it, or you don’t.

​Innovative product and service offerings won’t serve as a substitute for Honor, which shapes them and makes them believable, dependable and repeatable.  Clients can tell the difference and will vote with their business.

If you want to eclipse the competition, act with honor.  Enjoy the Journey!!


  • Ian McLaggan

    9 years ago

    A lost art these days. Enjoyed, thank you.

  • Though it sometimes feels that way, what is lost can be found….

  • Timely post. Thanks, Bill.

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