
December 1, 2016


​There are two kinds of history: World History and Your History.

World History is not simply a stiff course to be studied in school, with memorizing dates and facts associated with various events. It is, in fact, the very thing that brought you to the here and now, doing exactly what you’re doing with those around you.  World History is the crucible that formed you.

Your History is more than what you’ve done, with a résumé neatly listing the dates and facts associated with your education and employment.  It isn’t an abstract “thing”.  It is the culmination of what you’ve become as a result of it and the essence of who you are today.

The most wonderful thing about your history is that you are writing it daily. The choices you make and the actions you take today will shape it; they will also influence the history of others. Most actions are small ones in the scheme of world events, but each one matters. The accumulation of choices and actions over time becomes significant in defining both your history and the mark it will leave in world history. Steve Jobs strived to “make a dent in the Universe” and arguably did so.  But your history matters at whatever scale you create it.

Every day is a gift to write the next chapter in your history.  If you don’t like the last chapter, you can take a new direction with the next one.  It requires conscious choice and positive action, but it can be done. Most of us are fortunate to have many chapters to write, but none of us have endless chapters.  Over time, the chapters you write will tell a story to others.

One day the accumulation of your personal history will become your legacy; that is the lens through which your unique human contributions will be viewed and judged in the context of world history. In the realm of Human Resources, this fact is what makes “reference checking” the most crucial step in the hiring process.  A person may use their creative writing skills to craft a résumé, but “legacy checking” will quickly reveal if it passes the test of time.

Your History matters. Enjoy the journey and make it a good one!

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