Higher Calling

November 7, 2018
Do you have an uplifting place, one that gets you in touch with your potential? It may be a physical, or metaphysical, space that calls up your inner force. That inner force inspires you to see more, to be more and to listen to a higher calling.

I’m not tying this energy to a religious calling, although for some it expresses in this way. But I am referring to a spiritual force that somehow finds a way to stimulate achievement at a higher level; that energy is inside us all along, although it is often drowned out by the white noise of our 24/7/365 world. Visiting a quiet, reflective space with visual cues may help it awaken from dormancy and move it from the subconscious into conscious thought. It is there that a decision to act in pursuit of a higher calling enables progress to be made.

The value of a lifetime investment at a higher level can be seen in what we do with, for and through others; the more we invest, the greater long-term value we create. My close friend, John Spence, has a saying in his firm that “Accepting mediocrity in your life makes you a magnet for mediocrity in your life”. You eventually become like the company you keep. Conversely, pursuing a higher calling makes you a force for excellence in your life and the lives of others.

The grand idea here isn’t necessarily to change the world, although you may be destined to do that! The point is to discover what your life was meant to be and allow your higher calling to lead you upward on the journey.

Tempus Maximize!


  • John Spence

    6 years ago

    Bill – that is why I like being around you – you always push me to perform at a higher level to make sure I never disappoint you or your team in any way. I am honored to call you friend!

    • You are my Trusted Advisor, John. But more than that, you are a one-of-a-kind friend. Thank you!

  • Addy Wilson

    6 years ago

    This was a nice and pleasant read, as many of your blogs always are! I personally correlate everything to a higher calling with my faith, in which I believe I have found my true purpose and “higher calling” as an artist. To me it’s not just painting, but it’s connecting to others with this “nudge” and peaceful feeling of warmth to touch someone else’s life and share the peace I have with them. To me it’s become more of a spiritual calling, it’s the deepest and most thorough way of finding meaning in all that I do, and it’s easily applicable in every single aspect and area of my life: my spiritual life, work life, relationships, marriage, hard times and good times… it’s all interconnected, and the more I grow through experiences, it seems easy to understand that it was designed to be this way. The more I seek this higher calling the easier it becomes to make decisions, know what’s right from wrong, and how to represent myself in a professional manner even when there may be a difficult person or situation. It helps lay a foundation of morals and values and as John said, it pushes you to become a better version of yourself.
    Not sure if this makes any sense but I always learn or take away something from your writing so these are the thoughts I had! Thanks for sharing.

    • Thank you for sharing your personal insights and your faith, Addy. You bring joy to everything you do.

  • Jon Souers

    6 years ago

    Thank you Bill, great read. Needed that today. So spot on – the contagiousness of mediocrity. “Good is the enemy of Great”
    Carpe Diem

  • Dane B.

    6 years ago


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