Green Side Up

August 30, 2012
Some years ago a landscape installation contract came across my desk that included some rather unusual language; among other things, it specified that we must “place the sod green side up”! I’m pretty sure we did and the reminder wasn’t necessary, though I suppose you can’t be too careful when dealing with the landscapers…

Laying sod “green side up”, while commendable, doesn’t keep it that way for long without proper care. Proper watering, both courtesy of Mother Nature and supplemental irrigation, is essential. Then there are the dual threats of insects and disease to deal with, especially in Florida! Keeping up with all of that requires diligent attention, well-timed applications of the right materials and a green thumb. 

From what I’ve seen around the state this summer, our fertilization and chemical specialists, in cooperation with our irrigation specialists, have been doing all the right things.  We have the right talent employing effective methods and materials, along with good old-fashioned, farmer-like attention to the details. Their collective efforts are clearly paying off. Turf is generally greener and more healthy in appearance; we’ve also replaced less sod than I ever recall.  

The quality of work being performed by our technicians also caught the eye of Barry Critcher, who is responsible for developing new business relationships on the strength of existing ones. He recently wrote to me:


“I spend a little time checking out the properties that we maintain, especially the ones where I have a relationship with the client. One of those properties, Town Center, is a “high-profile” property and I must say the place looks great! In particular, I believe our Fert/Chem team is doing a great job there, as well as other properties.”

Here’s two Green Thumbs Up, one for Irrigation teams and the other for our Fert / Chem teams throughout Austin Outdoor. Thanks for keeping the Green Side, well…….Green!

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