Friendly and Frank
We all know what friendly looks and feels like: big smile, open attitude, caring demeanor. What does “frank” look like, however, and how uncomfortable does that feel? What is conveyed depends entirely upon the person and their intent. Frank is honest and crystal clear, but never mean-spirited. Being frank isn’t always easy and can be delicate to convey without offending others; the balance leans heavily upon the friendly part.
Clients pay us to be both friendly and frank in our dealings with them. They want the truth, delivered by nice people who care. Here’s another way of describing that relationship: Trusted Advisor. That coveted status can only be earned over time, through honesty and genuine caring.
Customers and coworkers can sense very quickly if you’re genuine. Both respond incredibly well when you are.
Be friendly and frank. You’ll enjoy the journey more — and so will those traveling with you!
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Jim Sivils
9 years agoThat’s the only way FIRM FAIR AND FRIENDLY works every time
9 years agoNot only do I think you can be, sometimes you have to be both friendly and frank. Dealing with a project now where the client is heading in the direction of living out the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different/better result. The challenge requires a friendly but very frank discussion regarding alternate approaches and mindset IF a different and better outcome is truly desired.
9 years agoWell said, Brian. By being Friendly and Frank, you are doing them a huge favor. Most others would rather avoid that challenging conversation.