Five Million Hours

December 5, 2013


The average full-time employee works 2,080 hours in a year. To work five million hours would require just over 2,400 years; that sounds like a very long time and an impossible feat for a mere mortal. You can only dream about it, but try to picture just how long that seems…

Now consider working for 2,400 years without any lost time accidents. Not one. Zero. Does that strike you as even more impossible?  Talk about earning the ultimate perfect attendance award!

Yet the Boeing Corporation managed to build their new 787 Dreamliner final assembly plant in Charleston, South Carolina without a single lost work time accident in over Five Million Hours of work from all contractors.  They achieved a seemingly impossible feat and it was no “accident”; at Boeing, Safety is a way of life. The expectation of safe work practices pervades everything they do and that expectation benefits everyone: employees, contractors, shareholders and their respective families.  Their passion for Safety also benefits the millions of passengers who will be served for generations to come by Boeing’s extraordinary airliners.

Our business proudly contributed to Boeing’s remarkable Safety record. The experience of working in and around such a Culture of Safety clearly rubbed off on Team Charleston as well. It’s no “accident” that they consistently rank tops in Safety across all branches in our company.

We’re making progress in building an enviable Culture of Safety but we still have a very long way to go to rival Boeing in this regard. They set a seemingly impossible standard and then collectively put their minds to work on achieving it.  Just as they have focused their engineering and manufacturing talent on building the most sophisticated, fuel efficient and beautiful passenger jet the World has ever seen: the 787 Dreamliner.

Recognizing Safety as the Tool for Life is consistent with our own dream of creating premier properties and building lasting relationships.  Imagine what a beautiful place that will be…

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